“Mmhmm.” When she reappeared, she thrust a clumsily wrapped object at her mother. “It’s for you. Aunt DeeDee helped me wrap it.”
Nora’s face softened as she set aside what was left of her coffee. “You got mommy a present?”
“Yeah! Open it.”
Nora did as she was told, uncovering a leather-bound journal. There was a guitar branded on the cover with her initials underneath.
“It’s beautiful,” she murmured, tracing her fingers over the image.
“Aunt DeeDee helped me pick it, and Uncle Wayde and me did the cover in his shop.”
“You did?” she gasped, looking over at Evelyn. “Oh, baby, this is so special. I love it. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, mommy.” She and Lawson both heard it as Nora sniffled, and Evelyn was quick to crawl into her mother’s lap and insist, “Don’t cry.”
Nora chuckled, wrapping her arms around her daughter tightly. “I’m sorry. Don’t worry. They’re happy tears.” She kissed the top of Evelyn’s head, still adorned with yesterday’s French braids, and Evelyn snuggled closer.
“Now that we opened presents, is it time for cinnamon rolls?”
“Are you gonna help me?”
Evelyn smiled knowingly and answered, “Only after you do the pop.”
“Maybe this year we make Lawson do the pop. What do you think?”
One set of green eyes and another set of golden-brown ones shifted his direction, both bright with amused anticipation. Lawson merely lifted an inquisitive eyebrow.
“Will you open the cinnamon roll tin for us? Pretty please?” asked Nora.
Enlightened, he lowered his eyebrow and offered them a nod. “I think I can manage that.”
After breakfast had been baked and frosted, and everyone had eaten their fill, they had time to watchThe Polar Expressbefore Nora left them to go get ready for the day. While she did her thing, Lawson helped Evelyn unbox a couple of her new toys. An hour later, when Nora emerged from her room, Evelyn was in Lawson’s lap, the both of them on the floor as they constructed a custom design with her Lite-Brite.
“Al’right, mini me—time for a quick bath.”
“No, mommy, five more minutes,” she whined, not even bothering to look up at Nora.
Distracted as Evelyn was, Lawson took in the length of his woman appreciatively. Her hair was done up in a series of loose braids and twists, all gathered together in a thick, elaborate bun at the base of her neck. A couple curly tendrils were left out around her face—which was beautiful in her minimal makeup.
She wore a long-sleeved, dark green, velvet wrap dress that danced around her knees. Her gorgeous legs were covered in sheer black tights. He didn’t know what shoes she’d end up wearing—but even without them, she was wrapped like the perfect present.
“You look beautiful.”
“Thanks,” she replied, running a hand down her skirt. “It’s new.”
“Oh—I like it. You look pretty,” chimed in Evelyn.
“I ‘ppreciate it, baby, but flattery is not gonna get you out of a bath. I told you last night, it was either then or now. You chose now. Chop, chop, Evie-B.”
“Don’t worry. There will be plenty of time to play later,” said Lawson, gently coaxing the device out of her reach.
“Okay,” she murmured disappointedly.
Lawson watched her join her mother, only getting up off the floor himself when they disappeared into the bathroom. He was bathed and dressed in no time. He helped himself to another cup of coffee while he waited. When he thought they were starting to cut it close, he stood at the mouth of the hallway and announced, “Ladies—this train is leavin’ the station in five minutes. It’s Christmas, y’all. The church’ll be packed.”
“No, not yet! I need my bow!”
As soon as she said it, Lawson watched Evelyn streak by him covered in red. She was stopped only long enough to grab the package of bows she’d unwrapped that morning, and then she was off again.