Evie hesitated. Then, speaking through a shy smile, she said, “I think you should go get him.”
“How about we go together?” asked Nora, amused.
Pleased with the compromise, Evie conceded. They gathered up her things and returned them to her backpack before heading to the kitchen together. With her mother at her back, Evie sidled up next to Lawson and tugged on his sleeve to get his attention.
“Mommy said we can go home now.”
“I think that’s a good idea.”
He picked her up as he stood, and the three of them said their goodbyes as Leo went to grab their jackets. Soon thereafter, they were all buckled into the truck as Lawson eased it around the drive and down the long stretch of gravel leading toward the main road.
“I liked them. They seem like family.”
“Yeah. It’s a tight knit group and they’ve been through a lot.”
Thinking back on some of the stories she’d heard that night, she could understand howlifehad brought them all together. Then, remembering Jill’s story of how she and Leo got to where they were, Nora asked, “I’ve gotta know, haveyoumet Ashley Hicks?”
Lawson chuckled. “Yeah. His wife and kids, too.”
Nora’s jaw dropped. “I can’t believe you never told me that. Evie knows, like, five of his songs by heart.”
“Part of the job, baby. That’s all.”
She scoffed at his candidness, but she wasn’t all that surprised. He never was one to get star struck. Still, she was impressed.
“Thanks for bringin’ us, babe.”
“No thanks necessary, songbird,” he replied, reaching over to take hold of one of her hands. “You’re my family.”
“Mommy! Lawson! Wake up!”
It was early Christmas morning—how early, Lawson couldn’t tell, but the sun had yet to rise.
“You gotta come see!”
As her voice grew closer, it only got louder, her excitement uncontainable.
Lawson opened his eyes to find Nora-Jean had already done so. From where they lay, facing one another under the covers, they shared tired smiles. Before either of them could so much as think of a morning greeting, Evelyn was bursting into the room.
“Mommy, Lawson, come see!” she yelled, climbing onto the bed. “Come on, wake up—you gotta see what Santa brought me. I didn’t even ask for it and he brought it anyway!”
Lawson tried to conceal his smirk as Nora frowned at Evelyn. Propping herself up on her elbows, she muttered, “Mommy told you, you couldn’t open any presents until we were all awake.”
With wide eyes, Evelyn replied, “I didn’t, mommy. I promise. There was no wrappin’ on it. Come on. I’ll show you! Come on,” she demanded. She gave her mother’s arm one tug before letting go and scrambling out of bed.
A frown still pulling at her brow, Nora watched her daughter disappear into the hallway. “I have no idea what she’s goin’ on about. I wrapped everything that ended up under that tree.”
Lawson’s mischievous smile won out as he tossed off the covers and got out of bed. “You did. Apparently, Santa didn’t.”He spoke not another word as he followed after Evelyn, in nothing more than his gym shorts.
“What?” he heard Nora mumble as she quickly trailed after them.
Evelyn had already turned on the main light in the room. As soon as she saw Lawson coming, she bounced in place and pointed at the aforementioned gift situated near the tree. The wooden art easel he’d put together after both Evelyn and Nora had fallen asleep the night before came with three separate ways to create. There was a black chalkboard on one side, a white board on the other, and a slot at the top to feed sheets from the roll of paper that sat hidden in the middle. He’d even made sure to stock up on dry erase markers, colored chalk, and watercolor paint.
“See?!” exclaimed Evie as Nora cleared the hallway. “It’s bigger than me! And it has everything.”
Lawson had never seen her so excited. He’d wanted to surprise her, but he had no idea she’d love it so much. It had been ages since he thought Christmas was anything akin to magical. Fun—sure. Festive—yes. Family oriented—definitely. But magical? Nothing was as magical as this.
“Whoa. Evie, baby, look at that. What is it?”