Lawson nodded, not sure what to expect as he entered the crowd. Justice didn’t sound alarmed or scared. If he had to assign an emotion to her tone, he’d say she seemed annoyed more than anything else. Being the youngest girl with two older brothers, she had plenty of fight in her and wasn’t afraid to stand her ground. She’d been tattooing long enough to know how tohandle herself in what was often times a rough, male dominated industry. What she could need him for now, he couldn’t guess.
Then he saw her.
Shit, he thought.
He hadn’t heard from Ashlynn since Rock-N-Joe. Not that he wasn’t expecting it. He hadn’t contacted her after she’d faced off with Nora at Sweat Tease, but she seemed intent on her delusional mission to win back a man she’d never had. Showing up at Nora’s job was unacceptable. Stalking him athisjob was the last straw.
She was wearing a pair of black leggings, a tight, black long-sleeved shirt, and a pale pink puffy vest. Her hair was no longer dark, but dyed in such a way that it transitioned from the brunette shade he was used to down to a chestnut color that didn’t belong to her. She wore it half up and half down, and the sight of it made his stomach drop. When she turned and saw him, the smile that lit up her face was a silent warning that she had grown into someone far more dangerous than he realized.
Unstable people could not be trusted.
“What are you doin’ here?” he asked instead of hello.
“Lawson, hi! I had no idea you’d be here.”
He shook his head in disbelief.
“I mean it,” she insisted, still smiling. “I heard about the convention, and I remembered you tellin’ me your sister was a big deal in the tattoo world. I’ve seen her work on you, and I had some time, so thought I’d come check her out.”
“She asked if I’d tattoo her and I said no,” stated Justice from where she sat on her work stool.
“That’s not the first time that’s happened to me this week,” Ashlynn replied, her smile slipping for the first time. “I’m a payin’ customer, which apparently doesn’t mean much to some folks.”
“I have the right to refuse anyone, and I don’t want someone tryin’ to break apart my brother’s family wearin’ my work. Simple as that. Now—I don’t want drama at my booth, so could you please escort her out?”
Lawson nodded at his sister then took hold of Ashlynn’s elbow. His grip was tight enough to make his intentions clear, but gentle enough not to scare her. “Let’s go.”
“You know, I never considered you a rude guy—but you sure are surrounded by rude women,” said Ashlynn as she followed his lead.
Lawson locked his jaw, keeping his mouth shut until he found the words he wanted her to hear. He was done playing her games. He’d tried being the nice guy, but that was over now. He couldn’t see any other way to get through to her.
He released his grip on her as soon as they reached the corner of the distillery. It wasn’t quiet, but it wasn’t crowded, and that would have to do.
“Ashlynn, I don’t want to hear any more of your bullshit,” he interrupted. “I want you to stay away from my family, and I want you to stay away from me. I’m not playin’ with you.”
She pressed her lips together, and for the first time he saw hurt flicker in her eyes. “It’s a small town. We’re bound to run into each other.”
“Then go back to where you came from.”
Her eyes grew glassy with tears before she asked, “I don’t get it. Why are you treatin’ me this way?”
“I’m tryin’ to get it through your head that there is noyou and me. Threaten my woman again, and there will be consequences. Approach my family—”
“I didn’tthreatenher! Is that what she told you? You know what? It doesn’t matter.” She threw her hands up as if toflick away her own question. “If she’s threatened, it’s for good reason.”
“Ashlynn,listento me! You havenochance here. Change your address, change your hair color, it doesn’t matter. You’re fightin’ a losin’ battle. Nora-Jean is the love of my life and the mother of my children. That’s it. I’m sorry—I’m sorry you lost your friend. I’m sorry if you’re feelin’ lost—but you’re not going to find yourself here. And you’re certainly not going to find yourself with me.”
She let her tears fall, but Lawson didn’t soften his gaze. He wouldn’t be manipulated. Even if her pain was real, he couldn’t help her.
“So that’s just it, huh? Nothin’ we had was real? You just used me for months, biding your time?”
“If you need me to be the bad guy, okay. I won’t deny it.”
“Don’t,” she cried. “Don’t do that. God—can’t you see? Can’t you see how much you mean to me?”
She took a step toward him, reaching for his face. He jerked back, taking hold of her wrists as he lowered her hands down to her sides.