Page 81 of Steeled

Nora shifted her focus onto Barb, who eyed her warily. In a glance, she tried to convey her promise that she’d fill her boss in on the finer details later before she assured her, “I’ve got this. Thanks, Barb.”

Barb nodded and Nora took a deep breath. “My chair’s this way.” As she headed in its direction, she asked Ashlynn, “What were you thinking in terms of color?”

“I actually love the color of your hair.”

“Uh—what?” Nora stammered as she shrugged off her jacket.

“I swear I’m not tryin’ to be creepy,” said Ashlynn on a laugh. “I mean it though. I was thinkin’, maybe we could keep my roots natural, but it would be really pretty if you faded it into the same color as yours and then into blonde at the tips. What do you think? You’re the professional, after all.”

Nora hung her jacket on the hook beside her workstation and replied, “You want a balayage.”

“Yes, exactly!”

“Okay, well, my advice? You and I don’t have the same undertone,” she began, addressing Ashlynn directly. “If the goal is to transition to blonde, my shade of brunette won’t work in the mix.”

“Fair enough. In that case, what if we transitioned from my color to yours?”

Nora frowned, suddenly wondering if accepting Ashlynn as a walk-in was a mistake.

“Oh, no,” Ashlynn grimaced. “You think I’m bein’ weird. I swear to you I’m not—I just really love the shade of your hair. Actually, if I’m being honest, everything about your hair is gorgeous. It’s a great endorsement for your work, by the way.”

Nora hesitated and, feeling officially freaked out, nervously ran her fingers through her hair. She then cleared her throat uncomfortably and dropped her hands to her sides. “Listen,” she began gently, “I don’t know if this is such a good idea. I’m not sure what you’re playin’ at comin’ here and askin’ for me specifically—but I think we both know you and I aren’t going to be friends.”

Ashlynn reared her head back as if she’d been slapped. “Well, that’s not very hospitable of you.”

“Hospitable?” Nora’s eyes widened in amazement. “My fiancé told you to your face that he’s moved on. He’s got a family. He’s gotme.You made it clear you were gonna go after him anyway, and you want to accusemeof bein’ inhospitable?”

This time, when Ashlynn smiled, it wasn’t beautiful so much as it was conniving.

“What’s a little competition amongst friends?” she murmured.

“Like I said—we aren’t friends. I would like you to leave. I’m not the only one in this shop who can do good color work. I’d recommend Arizona if you’d like to make an appointment on your way out.”

“Sorry, sweetheart, my calendar’s all booked up for the next six weeks,” Arizona chimed in dryly.

Nora glanced her way, noticed how intently she was watching their exchange, and fought to suppress a smile. When she looked back at Ashlynn, who rolled her eyes, she merely shrugged.

After a moment of silence, Ashlynn flipped her hair over her shoulder, her bright smile returning as she said, “You’re pretty. I’ll give you that. But you’re not nearly as pretty as me. And he might have knocked you up, but ultimately, that just gives me the advantage. There’s no easier weddin’ to call off than a shotgun weddin’.” She winked and then turned on her heel, sauntering confidently out the door. Nora-Jean watched her go, at a loss for words.

Definitely not delusional. That bitch is full-on crazy,Nora thought.

No sooner had the door swung shut than Arizona was out of her chair, headed straight for Nora. Barb was right behind her.

“Wait, don’t leave me out of this!” cried Clem. “I’ll be right back,” she told her client before she hurried over to join the group.

“What did we just witness?” Barb asked the same time Clem asked, “Who the hell wasthat?”

Arizona batted away both questions as she murmured, “Are you pregnant?”

Instinctively, Nora’s hands lifted to her belly, where Lawson’s hand had rested not even an hour ago. This was all the answer Arizona needed, and she squealed in excitement.

Laughing, Nora replied, “Not exactly how I wanted you guys to find out.”

“Congratulations!” gushed Clem.

“I’m happy for you, truly—but after what I just saw, I’m a bit worried, too,” said Barb, sobering the ladies. “She seemed friendly enough when she walked in, but I see she’s trouble now.”

“Yeah, I don’t know. Lawson thinks she’s harmless, but she seems a littleoffto me.”