“Luca.” Justus gets my attention by squeezing my hand. “We never talked about that.”

“We’re talking about it now. You love your teammates, you love this city, and I’m pretty sure you love Coach.” I nod my head toward the man in question. “So, keeping you with the Bulldogs is the top priority.”

“Well, my top priority is you retiring on your own terms.”

“These are my terms.” I wink at him. “So, what do you say, Coach? Think you can make it so Justus has a future with the Bulldogs no matter what?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”


“I wish you would’ve told me you were going to martyr yourself,” Justus says when we get back to the house.

“If I had, you never would’ve let me say anything.”

“Exactly.” He brings his panicked gaze to mine. “We could’ve kept things a secret for at least one more year. But we can’t go back now, and if they sacrifice you to keep me…” He shakes his head, a thick crease marring his brow.

“Babe, I told you I was prepared for that before we talked to Coach.”

“I know, but… I didn’t think you’d willingly give them that option to save my career. And now… What if you’ve played your last game?”

“What if I have?” I lift my shoulders.

“You… You deserve to be celebrated with standing ovations and confetti and…parades,” he rambles adorably.

“I got all that.”

“The team got all that,” he corrects me. “I’m talking aboutyou. You deserve all that separate from the team. You’ve scored more goals than anyone in the history of the Bulldogs, you’ve had more hat tricks, and you’ve helped them win two cups. You shouldn’t let them cast you aside.”

“We don’t know that they will.”

“Coach didn’t seem too confident that they wouldn’t.” Justus worries his bottom lip. “And if they do… That’s not how your career should end.I’mnot how your career should end.”

“You’re exactly how my career should end.” I pull him toward me and clasp my arms around his waist. “Yourevived it when I thought it was done,youhelped me have my best season ever by being my equal on the ice, andyouare the reason I’m not afraid to retire. I finally have something I love as much as the game. Hell,morethan the game. Don’t you see? It’s because of you that I can retire tomorrow without any regrets.”

“Don’t you want to keep playing together, though?” His eyes are slightly glassy when they meet mine.

“Of course.” I cup his jaw, stroking my thumb over the smooth surface. “But at the end of the day, I want a life with you more than I want another season.”

“We’d have that no matter what.” Justus puts his hand over mine, holding my palm against his face.

“We would,” I agree. “But how long could you have lived a secret life before it started to weigh you down? You’re too honest and genuine to deceive people. I couldn’t watch you do that. I’d much rather watch you thrive.”

“If you’re not on the team, you won’t get to see that,” he says softly.

“That’s where you're wrong, babe.” I shift our hands from his face to my chest, so they’re covering my heart. “You’re part of me now, just like I’m part of you. Whether I’m there or not, I’ll always be with you.”


God, I hope he always looks at me so adoringly.


Epilogue - Luca

“Babe, we’re gonna be late,” I holler as I grab the keys.

“My hair’s still wet. I can’t show up with wet hair.”