“No one’s looking at us, outside of the four people who gave us a complex in the first place.”

It’s impossible not to grin at his remarks. Justus is still a sweet soul at heart, but every once in a while, a little snark comes out—usually when he feels like our relationship is being threatened—and I sortof love it. Fortunately, since he’s walking slightly behind me, it’ll look like I’m smiling at the other guests, not the man who has a knack for making me feel all mushy.

As we reach the table, I pull out a chair that puts my back to the bulk of the room, and Justus takes the one next to me. Once we’re seated, I shake out my napkin and put it in my lap to give my hands something to keep busy with.

“I thought they wanted you back,” he says softly as the rest of the crowd starts making their way to their seats. “I saw Jessie fling herself at you from across the room, and Xander had to physically turn me around, so I didn’t stare daggers into her back.”

My chest aches at the lingering fear I hear in his voice.

“You know I wouldn’t take them up on that, if they offered. Right?” I signal to a passing waiter who hands me a champagne from his tray to keep myself from reaching for Justus.I didn’t expect it to be this hard not to touch him.

“I do.” He keeps his eyes focused on his plate as he speaks. “And you know I’d never want to be your replacement, right?”

“Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a heads up that they’d be here. I remember Jessie telling me they would back when she first got her new job, but I completely forgot about it until she found me at the bar.” I bring the bubbling flute to my lips, but before I can take my first drink of the night someone pulls out the chair next to me.

“You two have some s’plaining to do,” Tripp taunts as he sits down.

“Now isn’t really a good time,” I tell him as our friends take seats around us, eyes bouncing between me and Justus to ensure we’re on our best behavior.

Tripp pushes his lips into an exaggerated pout. “But I want to know why you went all cave man over Justus talking to that guy.”

“I didn’t goall cave man.”

“It looked like you were about to rip your shirt and start beating your chest,” he says before leaning into my ear and whispering. “Possessiveness is totally swoony. You’re so gonna get laid tonight.”

I press my lips together to keep myself from grinning.Wasn’t my intent, but I’ll take it.

“What’d he say?” Justus nudges my arm as Tripp sits up.

“He complimented me for showing restraint.”

Justus’s cocked brow tells me he doesn’t buy that, but he can’t call me out on it since the program begins.


“What do you think they want to talk to you about?” Justus asks as we turn onto Charlie and Jessie’s street.

I’ve been wondering the same thing myself all night. I get that my outburst might’ve ruined whatever moment they were hoping for, but I can’t think of anothermomentthey’d want to have beyond announcing the pregnancy. “Since they already told me they’re expecting, I have no idea. Maybe they want to tell me the gender?”

“Maybe they’re having twins.”

“I guess we’ll know soon enough,” I say as we pull into the drive. But instead of exiting, I turn to Justus and clasp his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I’m glad you’re here, but that alone might give us away.”

He gives me one of his sweet smiles. “I know. That’s okay. I think we might go crazy if we had to live a lie all the time, so it might be nice to have a few people we can be honest with. These are your closest friendsoutside the guys on the team, and obviously they’re trustworthy, so it makes sense that they’d know the truth.”

“Are you saying you want to tell them?”

“I’m saying whenever you’re ready to tell them I’m okay with that.”

“What about our…history? Are you okay being here despite knowing what the three of us used to do?”

Justus traps his lips between his teeth as he seems to ponder that. “I am.” He gives my hand a squeeze. “I don’t want to make what you had with them sound insignificant—or that it didn’t create its own sort of bond between the three of you—but I also know it’s nothing like what we have. And it’s in the past.”

God, this man. I swear he’s more mature at twenty-three than I am now, and I love him for it.

I lean in and press my lips to his, giving myself a few seconds to savor his touch while I gather my strength. Then we head up the front walkway.

Charlie is a little subdued when he opens the door—clearly still a little bothered by the accusation I flung at him earlier—but he won’t turn his back on me or let it derail our friendship. For the first time in months, I can separate my needs from our relationship, and am able to appreciate how loyal and generous he is. I feel truly lucky to have him.