“I’m here, baby. Let’s get you back in bed.”
“Baby?” I give him my arm to help me up.
“Buddy. I said buddy.”
Though I’m unreasonably fatigued, I’m not unsteady enough to need Luca to guide me. I let him anyway, since his touch seems to settle theturmoil in my head.
“Are you hungry?” he asks as he helps me onto the mattress and runs a hand through his uncharacteristically mussed hair, which makes him look more scruffy than usual. Rugged. I kind of like it.
“No. Just tired.”
He reaches for me, and my eyes fall shut as he runs his fingers through my hair. Something about it seems…familiar.
“That feels good. Just like last night.”
His hand stills. “You remember that?”
My lip pulls up, trying to smile, but the effort is exhausting. “Will I be out for a while?”
“Two weeks, as long as your symptoms don’t get any worse. How’s your head?” His fingers move softly through my hair again.
“Cloudy. It’s a little hard to concentrate.”
“Do you feel dizzy at all?” Luca’s lips hover just shy of meeting each other, like he’s holding his breath.Have they always been so soft looking?
“Not dizzy. Just weak.”I bet I’m not supposed to notice his lips. I’ll pretend I didn’t.“Did you bring me here so I can help you play better?”
Luca’s gaze shifts from my hair to my face. “You heard Noah.”
“Yes. It’s okay if you did. I know what you need before games. You can use me to help.”
“I’m notusing you.I mean, I am but… That’s not… Maybe we should talk about this later.”
“If you don’t want me to help, why did you bring me here?”
Luca’s brow crinkles as he focuses on the hand rubbing my scalp. “I’m not sure. I guess I figured you’d rather be with me than one of the doctors you hardly know.”
“Yeah.” I let my body relax deeper into the pillow. “I like it here.”
I think that makes Luca smile. Or chuckle. I’m not sure which, I just have this sense that he’s happy. And I’m happy. Tired, but happy. Suddenly, thinking gets too difficult and I drift off to sleep.
When I wake again, things are sharper. Clearer. I know right away I’m in Luca’s bed, and that he brought me here after I went down in the game last night. I still don’t remember the hit that took me out, though I do recall skating toward the goal before the memory just cuts off. There’s also a few thoughts I can’t place, like gentle touches and soft endearments, which could just as easily be things I dreamed up instead of events that actually happened. So, I decide to keep them to myself.
Rustling in the walk-in closet next to the bathroom draws my attention about the same time I register a somewhat uncomfortable pressure in my bladder. I gingerly step out of bed and head toward the noise, peeking through the doorframe of the closet since I’ve never stepped foot inside before.
“Whoa, hey.” Luca spots me almost immediately, pausing in the act of tossing clothes in a bag. “What are you doing up?”
“I heard a noise. And I have to pee.”
“Need help? Ugh, shit!” He runs his hand back and forth over his head, making a clump of hair stand on end. “That was a really Tripp thing to say. I meant do you need help walking?”
“Nah.” I wave him off. “I’m feeling a lot more stable now.”
“Headache?” He follows me but stops at the vanity, smoothing his hair in the mirror while I slip into the toilet room.
“It’s there, but it’s just a dull ache now.” I finish my business and flush, then join him by the sink to wash my hands. “Why do I have on red underwear?”