Justus’s brow furrows as he presses his lips between his teeth, like he’s struggling to find the right words. Finally, he gives in with a heavy exhale. “I don’t want to make this weird or anything, but I feel like this is working for both of us. On the ice. I think we’re even more connected, and I like that.”
I’d been thinking the same thing, but that was before it went to a deeper level of fuckery. “I feel that too. But last night was...”
He chuckles awkwardly. “Yeah. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
“You didn’t.” I realize my shorts are still around my knees and rush to pull them all the way up. “I liked having you here.”
He ducks his head bashfully. “Really?”
“Yeah. It was… Honestly, I’m not sure what to say about it, I just liked it. You know, I’ve never done that before either.”
“Had a threesome?”
“Had a threesome, held another man’s dick, watched another guy come before.”
“Seriously? How is that possible? I thought the whole point of an audience was to see their reaction.”
I shrug sheepishly, like that might make the coming admission less cringy. “I mean I knew they did. I could hear it. But I never really watched the other guy. It was always about what Iimaginedhim to be thinking or feeling while he was there. Aside from a quick glance here and there, I never focused on him because I made the whole experienceabout me.”
“You looked at me the whole time though. Right through the end. Why?”
Shit. I was sort of hoping he wouldn’t mention that, because I’m still now sure how to explain it. Finally, I settle on the truth. “It was pretty fucking hot. I couldn’t look away.”
“I get that.” He exhales heavily, then takes a breath as if he’s got something else to say, only his phone chirps before he can get the words out. “It’s Niko.” He checks the text. “He’s asking why I didn’t come back to the room last night. Crap. I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
Justus looks to the bed then to me. “I’m pretty sure he can guess what happened here last night.”
“He’s not a gossip so I’m not worried. Plus, Noah already knows. Hey, maybe we should have them room together when Noah’s back from his injury. It’d make this a lot easier.”
“Yeah, maybe we should.” His phone pings again. “I better go get ready for our practice skate.” He hops up and starts pulling on his clothes, and with his back to me it’s hard not to notice the ripples of elegant muscles there.Elegant muscles – where did that come from?
“See you on the bus?” Justus spins toward me when he’s fully dressed.
“Yup.” I give him a curt up-nod, finally getting out of bed when I hear the door click shut so he doesn’t notice thatInoticed him getting dressed.
Chapter ten
We annihilated Seattle. Then Portland, LA, and Phoenix. We did lose to Dallas a few days ago, although I think that was more due to Gauthier being off than anything else. Not that I’m trying to place the blame on any one guy–we all contributed–but he was battling a cold and it impacted his reflexes. The three goals Luca and I scored weren’t enough to overcome his illness, but a four and one record over the last five games is nothing to frown on.
What does cause me to frown is what Luca and I are doing with the revolving door of women he has coming to our room, or his house, the night before the game.
The guys like to tease me about being a boy scout, but that’s not the issue. I’ve just never understood the whole hookup culture. I’d much rather have really great sex with one person I know and like than mediocre sex with a stranger. True, the stories my teammates tell about one-night-stands don’t paint a mediocre picture. To me it’s actually worse. Some of their encounters sound downright crazy.
Screamers, stalkers, clingers, why a guy would subject himself to that I can’t fathom. That sounds like I’m judging the guys for whatthey like, and I’m really not. To each their own and all that. It’s just never appealed to me. It still doesn’t. Yet I’m kind of living it. For Luca.
What I’m doing with him is casual, strictly for the game. What we’re doing with the women is transactional–also for the game but on an even more superficial level. I think–no,I know–I’m going along with it because it’s bringing me closer to Luca on the ice. It’s enhancing the connection we have as teammates and athletes. I just hate the impersonal aspect of a woman leaving right after sex, even though there’s no other reason for her to stay.
I’m pretty sure my grandpa would be disappointed in me if he knew what I was doing. The using women part, not the touching Luca part. My family wouldn’t care about two men together, although they might raise an eyebrow at it being Luca, seeing as I had posters of him on my wall as a kid. Not that we’retogether, just… The more we do this thing with the women the more I focus on him to get through it. Touching him, feeling him, watching him.
That excites me and scares me at the same time, making my palms sweaty as I ring the bell at his front door.
“Hey.” Luca shoots me an uncertain look as he lets me in. “So, I couldn’t find anyone to come over tonight. Is that okay?”
My stomach somersaults as a zillion questions run through my mind. Am I supposed to just watch like I used to when it was just the two of us, or am I expected to participate? If I’m supposed to participate, will Luca give instruction like the women usually do, or will I have to do it? If I’m not just watching, does that make us gay?