Okay, given the whole fanboy thing it’s unlikely he’d deny me anything I ask for. But if he wanted to stop this, I would. I’d try to convince him not to first, but even in this case no is no. I’d respect his wishes if that’s what he wanted. Only I thinkthis, the way he’s helping me, is what he wants.

I’m not saying the guy has a crush on me or anything like that, but I do think something passes between us when he watches. Something beyond the kink component Charlie likes or the envy component that speaks to me. A mutual sense of camaraderie maybe? Or a higher level of friendship?

Whatever it is, my guess is that’s the reason we seem to operate so well, so why mess that up?

At some point Noah will call me out for doing exactly what I promised him I wouldn’t, and when that happens I might have to try to explain the dynamic between Justus and I that I don’t have the words for right now. Until then, I think both of us are content to keep doing what we’re doing.

“Is she here yet?” Justus asks when he slips into the room using the key I gave him.

“She’s on her way up now.” We’re back in Seattle, so Staci was my first call when we landed. I’m hoping her familiar face will be good for Justus, who tends to be a little awkward with new people. I think he just isn’t sure what to expect in those few moments between the knock on the door and the start of the activities, which is understandable. But since he knows Staci, I figure that will make him a little more relaxed.

“Okay. Um, cool.” He spins the desk chair so it’s facing the bed and takes a seat, rubbing his palms over his legs like he's trying to dry them or expel some jitters. For a fleeting moment I regret what I'm putting him through, but that passes when I hear a soft knock on the door.Time to get started.

"Good?" I ask him before I open it?

He cracks a bashful smile and nods, so I let Staci in, accepting a kiss on the cheek as she walks by, grinning to myself when I hear the excitement in her voice as she greets Justus.

“You again!” She beams at him. “I was hoping you’d be back.”

“Me?” Justus’s brows disappear behind the hair covering his forehead as he points to his chest. “Why?”

“You’re cute and we didn’t get to play together the last time.” Staci sets her purse on the dresser and shrugs out of her coat.

“I’m not here for… I don’t usually…” Justus looks at me with a panicked expression as his face morphs from creamy white to beet red, a nervous tick that’s really started to amuse me to no end.

“He’s just here to watch.” I save my friend, whose posture visibly relaxes. That lasts for all of about three seconds, until Staci shocks us both as she shrugs out of her coat.

“I’m tired of the whole watching thing.” She tosses the garment on the foot of the bed and steps in front of me, lifting the hem of my shirt, which has me lifting my arms to take it off before I can think better of it. “We did that for years with Noah.” She yanks my sweats down and palms my half hard dick as she looks at Justus over her shoulder. “But frankly it was boring to have him just sit there, and I want to have some fun. Come on, cutie. Get over here and show me what you’ve got.”

Justus’s Adam’s apple bobs heavily as he swallows. “What I’ve got?”

“What you’ve got hanging between your legs. Show me.”

Justus’s eyes dart to mine, looking for guidance, but I don’t have any to give. Not only has Staci never taken things in this direction before, she’s holding my cock in her fist and using her thumb to move my foreskin over my tip, which basically renders my brain useless. Then she gives me a long, firm stroke, and a relieved groan rumbles up my throat.

I don’t mean for that to be an answer to Justus’s curious expression—I’m merely caught off guard by the flood of pleasure that shoots through me when Staci gives me such a hot little tug—but I’m guessing Justus thinks the sound is meant for him since he timidly rises off the chair and comes to stand behind Staci.

"So, um," he stutters, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

“Take your shirt off.” She tells him as she yanks his sweats and underwear down with the hand not holding my dick, muttering an appreciative little‘mmm’when the defined 'V' at the base of his abs is revealed. Then she fists his semi and starts stroking the way she is me, causing Justus’s mouth to fall open on a silent gasp.

Once again, his eyes find mine, but the terror in them quickly morphs to surprise, then contentment, and finally relief as he—I assume—turns hard in her hand.

“Good?” I ask.

Chest inflated, almost like he’s afraid to exhale, he gives me a curt nod. Though it’s not an overwhelming confirmation, that slight motion alleviates some of my concern about his mindset. He’s on unfamiliar ground, sure, but he’s evidently not opposed to what’s happening. That makes two of us.

This isn't the first time I’ve seen another man aroused–Charlie was usually naked during these encounters–but Jessie never engaged with both of us at once the way Staci’s doing right now, and I never stood mere feet away from him while his dick was out. Close enough to see his nipples harden to sharp little peaks, or hear his breath hitch when the friction on his cock gave him an unexpected jolt of pleasure. And I damn sure never stared into his glassy brown eyes as they seemed to roll back in his head just before his eyelidsfluttered shut.

I have only a brief moment to wonder if Justus’s proximity might heighten or ruin the experience before the dainty hand on my cock is replaced with a much larger, stronger one.

“Just like that.” Staci closes Justus’s fingers around my length.

My teammate's jaw falls open as his head dips down, presumably because he needs to see what's happening to believe it, same as I do. My dick is barely visible in his hand, the heat of his palm warming my skin in a way that’s both soothing and stimulating. Rather than pull away like my mind tells me I should, I stay utterly still, waiting to see what he’ll do. And for a full minute he doesn’t do anything at all, just stares open-mouthed at where we’re connected. Then he blinks up at me. “I’m holding your dick in my hand.”

“Does that freak you out?” I ask.

“Does it freakyouout?”