Page 5 of 0 Alien Regrets

“I told you, that was an accident. Your head was concealed. If your head covering hadn’t of fallen away to reveal your face, I’d be standing over you right now, and mourning your loss.” I don’t know if it is the words I’ve just spoken, but her features soften.

“I think I believe you. You did after all save me, putting your own life in jeopardy.”

“Thank you. Right now, that means a lot to me, and almost makes going against my clan, worthwhile. Will you now free me?”

The female bites her bottom lip. “First, I have a few stipulations. We are going to introduce ourselves. Friends don’t turn on friends, or eat them.” Her statement actually lifts the edges of my mouth. I haven’t smiled in such a long time. “Second, as a way of apology, you are going to help me get to that battlefield, or close by, at least.”

I nod. “I agree. But there’s only one problem.” Her brow lifts. “I’m injured and I’m starving and too weak to fly anywhere. It will take a few days for me to heal, quicker if I can eat.”

“Eat! Eat what?”

I shake my head. “Not you. I need to capture creatues of the forest, but I’m going to need your help.”

She points over at the dead creature. “Can’t you just eat that?”

I shake my head. “Poisonous skin. Besides, it’s cold now. I’ll show you how to set a trap and where to put it. Creatures in this forest won’t come out until nightfall, but we will need to be hidden.” I look up at the branches of the tree and grimace. “However, I’m not sure I can get us up there.”

“How about the hollow in that tree over there?”

I look over to where she’s pointing. “Perfect. But we will be very close together. Are you sure you can handle the close proximity after what has happened between us so far?”

She holds a hand to her chest. “I’m Felicity.”

I dip my head. “Phalon.”

“Now we’re new acquaintances, and when I help you to catch your dinner, we’ll be friends, and you will help me find the other human women.” She still looks uncertain of her own statement.

“Human? That is your species name?” She nods. “Yes, we’ll be...friends. Will you now untie me?” I lean over onto my side, noy taking my eyes off her.

She hesitantly moves behind me and a moment later, there is slack on my wrists, before they finally fall free. The female quickly jumps back. “There. Now remember Phalon, we’re friends.”

I push up from my knuckles onto unsteady feet and look over at her. “Don’t you mean...acquaintances?” A flash of fear spreads over her face. I turn my back on her. “Come, we need to findthings to make the traps with. We don’t have much time. Night will be upon us soon. Then we really do need to be hidden.”

Her voice is unsure. “Of other forest creatures?”

I turn around to look at her as I shake my head. “No. From the other Badligons.”

Chapter 3


I’m unsure what to make of Phalon. He is my very first ET, and he is not what I was expecting. The entire population of Earth had seen grainy pictures of Vysarians after they’d made first contact, and contrary to all the scifi movies and conspiracy theories, life beyond Earth was not all that different. The photos of the Vysarians the governments of the Earth showed to us on TV, looked human. That’s why I’d made my mind up there and then to get my own Vysarian man.

Looking at the huge wings attached to Phalon’s back, I’m still a little in shock. Phalon is exactly what conspiracy theorists back on Earth would have a fit over if they were to see him, and to think there are more like him on this planet, gives me the chills.

Although, I swear I heard a hint of humour just now when he referred to us as acquaintances...or maybe I’ve just mistaken sarcasm for humour.

Keeping my distance, I watch him struggle to search for, and gather items from underneath fallen leaves, which I’m presuming are to set traps with. Every now and then I hear him groan quietly from the pain of his injury. I have zero medical skills, so I haven’t a clue how to help him. Plus, I don’t want to get too close too soon yet in case he’s tricked me, and tries to take a bite out of me.

Once he’s finished gathering what he needs, he slumps down with his back against a tree and motions for me to come closer to watch him as he assembles a trap. I edge closer but stay standing—quicker to sprint away if needs be.

His fingers are skilled, considering his claws are so long. I suddenly have an image of one of the claws tracing an invisible line from my knee up the inside of my thigh. My pussy contracts.

I shake my head. Where the hell did that image just come from? I know being in the presence of a male is a unique experience in itself, but a squished-faced, pointy-eared one with weird monkey-bird feet and wings—come on! I must be more desperate than I realised for male companionship. Stowing away on an eight-month maiden space cruise to the unknown is crazy, but then becoming physically attracted to the weird looking alien at the other end of the journey who was not the kind of male I’ve been daydreaming about, is another.

“Here. This one is ready.” Phalon is holding a weird contraption at arm’s length for me.

I tentatively walk over to him, and he blatantly looks me over as I approach him, his eyes raking slowly over the apex of my legs and my breasts, before lifting to my mouth. His fangs drag over his bottom lip and another image intrudes my mind. This time, it's of my erect nipples is in his mouth, his fangs dragging over the sensitive bud.