Page 8 of 0 Alien Regrets

I grit my fangs. I hadn’t thought about that. “Okay.”

I don’t know where I find the strength to walk the final few steps alone. Maybe it’s the predator in me, but I stumble forward, dropping onto my hands and knees besides the creature. My nostrils flare. I scent its fear, and my eyes roll back in my head as I sink my fangs into its neck and rip open its flesh, just as my hands go to its legs and pull them out beneath it. It screeches with fear and agony and I rip off warm tendrils, wet with blood and chew them in my mouth.

I'm ravenous, ripping, tearing and crunching skin, flesh and bone as I feast on the now fresh carcass, and with every morsel of flesh I swallow, I feel my strength return. It’s not until I’ve consumed just over half of the creature do I become aware of Felicity’s presence again.

Turning around, I see the first rays of sunlight lighting breaking through the canopy of the forest. They fall onto Felicity’s golden hair, lighting a halo around her head, but there is nothing ethereal about her features. They are contorted with revulsion, and worse, the catalyst for her revulsion is me. Her eyes are wider than I’ve seen them stretch yet. Her hands are clasped firmly together in front of her face and she’s muttering silent words to her self.

I take a step towards her, my legs now firm beneath me. Her hands come up, palms open and facing me. “Please kill me first before you eat me. I don’t want to be eaten alive like that creature.” Water leaks from her eyes and tumbles down her face.

Falling onto my haunches, I crouch in front of her and grasp her hands in mine, the blood of the creature transferring onto them. “I’ll never hurt a hair on your head, Felicity. You helped me. Now I’m going to help you.”

She sucks in a huge breath and hacks out a sob, her head falling onto my shoulder. “oh my god, you don’t know how relieved I am to hear that you are not going to eat me.”

I look back at the half-eaten carcass. Am I that much of a monster to her?

Chapter 4


I'm still trembling. I don’t think I've ever witnessed anything so barbaric in my life, but I truly believe Phalon. It’s not his words that have convinced me, it’s the look of sincerity in his eyes.

He slides his hands underneath me and lifts my huddled body off the ground, pulling me close to his chest as he stands and walks towards the tree hollow. My cheek is against his chest and warmth builds between us from the velvety fur that coves his skin. I twist my head slightly, moving my nostrils closer to him and inhale. He smells unique, like nothing I have smelt before. He smells neither of animal or blood like I expected after seeing him feast on uncooked flesh, and I’m actually relieved, and a little shocked with myself when I keep my nose pressed to his skin and inhale again. I like his smell. It’s comforting, which shellshocks me.

I lift my cheek from his chest and look up at his face which is still covered with blood. With the new day’s light forming around his head like a halo, it’s a macabre sight. “I can walk back to the tree.”

He looks down at me. “I’m not taking you to the tree. I’m taking you to water. I’ve got blood on you.”

I look down at myself and notice my hands are covered in green sticky goo. Vomit comes up in my throat, but I swallow it down. He walks slowly and I have a feeling he’s yet to get all of his strength back.

We pass more trees and my curiosity piques. Where would there be water in such a dense forest? I don’t have to wait long to find out. I hear the water before I see it. A bubbling noise makesme look down, where I see a small pile of stones with water bubbling up from the centre.

Phalon carefully places me down and I look up at him with bright eager eyes, my mouth suddenly very dry as I remember the small flask of water at my hip has been empty since just before I encountered Phalon. “Is it drinkable?”

“There are many of these natural springs in these parts, and I have seen Vysarians drink from them. Being as you closely resemble their species; I think the water should be safe for you to drink. But just in case this spring might be toxic, let me drink from it first.”

My chest tightens. This alien-man is a conundrum. First, he tries to kill me. Now it appears he’d lay his life down first before mine. I nod. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

He nods once and then kneels down onto one knee. Placing hands on either side of the spring, he lowers his head and drinks. I hold my breath as he lifts his head. “It’s fine. Wash and drink. I must go and finish eating. My strength has barely returned, and I must be fit and well if we are to find the other females you travelled here with. There is lots of ground to cover, and we must do it cautiously to avoid my clan.”

He gets up and strides away. I stand motionless for a moment as I watch him leave. His wings are huge, but they are furled tightly behind him, and I am still able to see the swollen muscles on the outside of his shoulders and on his arms as they sway back and forth with his masculine walk. I’m still in awe of him, this alpha male. His physique is the epitome of what I consider perfection. Damn, I’ve studied enough photos on the dark web to know what I like.

What I like?

I gasp at what I’m admitting. I find the cannibal-alien appealing. My stomach growls. Maybe it’s just hunger, thirst, and survival instincts that are making me think this way.

I shiver and squeeze my legs together to stifle the tingle that is already manifesting in my pussy. God I must be fucking desperate to get laid. The quicker we find Deja, Ave, bee, Cassie and Eve, the quicker we can get to civilisation and the Vysarian diplomats who arranged the mating programme, then the quicker I can find the Vysarian man of my dreams and live happily ever after.

Phalon looks back over his shoulder at me, and I swear I see the edges of his lips hitch. My chest flutters. Fuck, why is he becoming hotter by the minute?

Turning away from him, I stoop down and fill my flask, before taking a long drink and refilling it again. I hook the flask onto my belt and then wash away the green goo. There is a little on my clothing, but I’m certainly not stripping off to wash them. Besides, I’m wearing black—who's going to see?

I wander back to the tree hollow and climb inside. All I can do is wait for Phalon’s return.

Lying on my back with my head resting on my arm, I look up at the canopy of leaves with the odd gap filtering in lilac coloured daylight. I’m millions of miles from Earth on a different planet with a real-life alien as my companion. I would never have believed in my wildest dreams the events of the last eight months, hidden away in the back panels and air conditioning ducts in the spaceship, and then crashlanding and being captured by a flying humanoid alien resembling a bat.

OMG. Phalon is a humanoid alien bat.

The alien himself startles me when he suddenly appears by the tree hollow, his eyelids half-closed.