Page 81 of Hawk (Burnout 3)

Hawk merely shrugged.

“Want to dance?”

He shook his head. It was unlikely he could manage such a task at this point.

He took a deep breath and blew it out, trying to clear his foggy brain.

The woman leaned toward him. “Wanna fuck?” she said in a husky tone.

It was then that Hawk recalled her, everything but her name. She’d swapped leather for denim, but the beauty mark above her eye gave her away. Her hair was the same dark brown as Tildy’s. Hawk reached out to run his fingers through it. It wasn’t quite as long as hers, but the color was almost the same.

“Listen,” she urged, leaning in close enough for him to get an eyeful of cleavage. “I said do you-”

Hawk grabbed her elbow and pushed her, turning her away from the dance floor and toward the kitchen. He ignored Maria’s hairy eyeball as he shoved open the swinging door. Thomas turned just long enough to recognize Hawk and directed his attention back to the grill. The woman, whose name he still could not remember, made no protest as he practically marched her through the kitchen and out the back door. The back alley was home to two dumpsters, one amber colored caged light above the door, and not much else.

Hawk spun them and pressed his back up against the hard brick facade of the bar. He pulled the brunette into his arms and clamped his lips down on hers. She made a frisky noise of approval, which Hawk pretty much ignored since it wasn’t a noise Tildy would ever make. The pulse of the jukebox could still be heard through the closed back door. Hawk swayed a little, caught himself, and snaked his hand inside the brunette’s t-shirt. She laughed, and he growled in irritation.

He planted his foot, turned them again, and this time she was the one against the wall. He fumbled a condom out of his wallet, nearly dropping them both. He tore open his fly and released his cock. The brunette purred appreciatively.

“Shut up,” he told her but not too harshly, more like a request.

“Hmmm,” the brunette replied and pulled him closer.

Hawk finished rolling on the rubber and started to yank down the brunette’s panties from underneath her skirt. He couldn’t manage it and still remain upright, so she pushed them down herself. They fell onto the dirty pavement. The brunette didn’t seem to care.

He put one large hand around each of her thighs and lifted her up. She gasped in delight as he sank her down on his cock. He buried his face in her chestnut hair and inhaled. Tildy smelled like sandalwood, fresh and clean. This woman smelled like stale beer and cigarettes. He gritted his teeth as he fucked her.

He’d been hard all night, thinking of Tildy’s bare pussy. He lifted the brunette and slammed her down again. He was already at the point of no return. He braced one hand against the brick wall to hold himself up. The other hand supported the brunette’s ass. Hawk felt his balls draw up, and he curled his hand, slamming his fist into the wall the moment he came. It shouldn’t feel good, he told himself. It’s all wrong.

Hawk practically dropped the brunette and stumbled back. He ripped off the condom and tossed it in the vicinity of the dumpsters.

“Hey,” the brunette whined.

Hawk ignored her and zipped up his fly.

“Hey!” she said, a bit more loudly now.

“Shut up,” Hawk repeated and moved past her to the back door.

The brunette grabbed his arm, her nails digging into his skin. “Hey, asshole. What the fuck? This isn’t-”

“I said shut up!” Hawk bellowed and yanked his arm free. Her nails dragged across him, drawing blood. He thought that was fitting and grunted with satisfaction. As he reached for the door, it opened on its own. Hawk stumbled back in surprise, nearly landing on his ass. He sighed heavily as the Cowboy glared at him under the amber light.

“Having fun?” Tex drawled, eyeing first the brunette and then Hawk.

Hawk grunted in reply.

The brunette, still pissed off, stormed past Tex and back into the kitchen. Hawk looked around for a place to puke.

“Jesus H,” Tex muttered and slammed the door behind him as he stepped into the alley.

“Fuck off,” Hawk slurred. He attempted to pass by Tex, but the man put a hand on his chest.

“You’re done,” he told Hawk.

“Fuck you.”

“Say a word that’s more than one syllable and maybe I’ll let you go back inside.”

Hawk glared at him. “Asshole.”

Tex opened the passenger door to his Hummer and practically shoved Hawk inside. He slammed the door and stalked around the vehicle. He cranked the engine without so much as a glance at Hawk and pulled out of the lot.

They rode in silence for a while before Tex said, “You’re fucking girls in alleys now?”