Page 46 of Hawk (Burnout 3)

“Sheesh,” Easy replied. “I’d almost go for the purple.”

“You don’t like purple?” Tildy asked.

“Hell no!”

Tildy looked at Slick. “Is your bedroom purple?”

“No,” Shooter said in his deepest, most authoritative voice. “We have enough sex.”

Tildy frowned as her cheeks pinkened. “What… ” she began but tailed off weakly.

Hawk, using his own deepest tone, said, “Slick says purple bedrooms mean more sex.”

Tildy blinked up at him. She appeared to be mesmerized by him in that way she sometimes was. She licked her lips, and Hawk was certain she had no goddamn idea she’d done it. Jesus, the woman could probably bring him to his knees if she ever consciously came on to him.

“I’d settle for any,” she said quietly.

Easy’s sharp bark of laughter startled her and her face immediately went crimson. As usual, Tildy wasn’t even aware of what she’d done.

The others chuckled, which caused her to duck her head in embarrassment. Her loose hair fell forward, blocking most of her face from Hawk’s view. He scowled. He loved her hair, but he loved her face more. Having pity on her, he said loudly, “Easy would love your room. Pink’s his favorite color.”

Easy nearly choked on a chip and rolled his eyes.

Hawk leaned toward Tildy. “He wore a pink bra. All through basic. Over his uniform,” he told her.

Tildy’s head snapped up, and she stared at him. Even Vegas and Slick, who had not heard this story, looked surprised.

“I’d do it again too,” Easy said proudly.

“What happened?” Slick asked.

Easy grinned at her. “I snuck a girl into the barracks one night during the start of basic. Turns out I can’t quit women cold turkey. It’s the kind of thing you’ve got to ease into gradually.”

Shooter grinned and shook his head. “He managed to sneak her back out in the dark, but when the CO came in the next morning, he found a bright pink bra sticking out from underneath Easy’s rack.”

Caleb took a pull from his beer and laughed. “And when the CO asked him what the hell it was, Easy stood up, squared his shoulders, looked him right in the goddamn eye, and said-”

‘I don’t think you’re allowed to ask me that question, Sir,’ Tex finished.

Slick’s mouth dropped open, but Vegas laughed.

“No!” Tildy replied. “He didn’t.”

“He did,” Shooter confirmed. “It’s a serious offense to sneak a civilian into the barracks. But there’s not really any punishment for being a cross dresser, at least not officially. The CO knew it was bullshit. We hadn’t been there a week, and Easy already had a reputation for horndogging the female recruits. The CO looked at Easy, looked at the bra, and said, ‘Boy, if you can’t keep your undies off the floor, you’ll just have to wear them.’ ”

“So he wore a pink bra for the rest of Basic,” Hawk told Tildy. “It didn’t hook in the back though, ‘cause it was too small.”

Easy smirked. “It was damn hard doing the obstacle course with the thing falling down all the time. Damn that underwire holds up well though, doesn’t it? You could strangle a man with that underwire.”

“Sacrilege,” Slick declared. “Ruining a bra like that.”

Easy smiled. “Aw, she was a townie, Slick. I’m sure it didn’t cost nearly as much as one of yours.”

Slick waved his comment away, probably embarrassed that Easy was thinking about her underwear. “I’m going to check on the chili,” she announced.

Tildy began to stand up with her. “Do you need any help?”

Without thinking, Hawk called out, “Hey babe can you get me another beer?” at Tildy’s retreating form.

Tildy only paused for a moment before she said, “Sure!”

As she left, Hawk caught Easy’s smug look.

“Shut up,” Hawk commanded.

“Hey babe, get me a beer?”

“It just came out like that.”

“Uh huh. What’s she doing here anyway?” Easy pressed.

“She didn’t want to go home.”

“Uh huh,” Easy repeated. “So, you took her to your place?”

“And gave her a ride on your bike,” Tex chimed in.

“She’s rattled,” Hawk snapped. “We’re just friends. She knows this.”

“Just friends,” said Easy. “Yep. Sure. That’s why his hair’s down. Tildy’s going to braid it later. They’ll paint each other’s nails and-”

Hawk scooped out some sour cream and flicked the entire chip at his former squad mate. The milky white substance splattered all over Easy’s crotch.

“Get him, Demon,” Hawk ordered and even though the tiny creature was deaf, she pounced.

Easy tried to leap out of the chair. “Not my balls! NOT MY BALLS!” he shouted.

“I thought I was the sadist,” Tex drawled, happily scooping out more salsa. Slick couldn’t seem to get it hot enough for the Cowboy.

“We’re just friends,” Hawk declared.

Chapter 30

Tildy returned to the kitchen, after giving Hawk the beer he requested. Easy had snickered at her as she handed it to him. Hawk just shook his head. Whatever the joke was, she was certain she didn’t want to know. The fluffy cat was perched on Hawk’s lap, and it made her smile. It was funny to see such a large, intimidating man being doted on by such a creature. Hawk barely seemed to register the presence of the small animal, absent mindedly stroking its fur as he dug into the chips and dip. Tildy thought they must have spent many nights like that.