He wasn’t sure how Garrett would respond to people he didn’t know telling stories he wasn’t familiar with. The last thing he needed was for Garrett to feel like an outsider, nothing good would come of that. He dropped the brunette and headed across the grass. Garrett smiled at him as he approached, and Hawk returned the sentiment though not as enthusiastically.
“Didn’t tell me there was a party,” Garrett said, and though he appeared to be joking, Hawk wasn’t sure he didn’t detect a bit of irritation underneath.
“I didn’t think you’d be interested,” Hawk replied, which was true. Hawk was certain if he’d just gotten out of prison, he’d only be thinking about laying low and getting his shit together so that it never happened again.
“Miss a party?” Garrett said, giving Hawk a crooked smile. “Never.”
Hawk fought the urge to frown. Perhaps, if Garrett had missed a few parties in the past, things wouldn’t be so bad now, but it wasn’t worth pointing out right this moment. Garrett was here now, and Raina had obviously invited him. Before Hawk could reply, Seth threw his arms around one of his legs, and Kyle beamed up at him.
“Hey, guys,” Hawk said, rubbing Kyle’s dark mop. With his other hand, he rubbed Seth’s back. “Chips and soda are over there,” he told them.
They immediately bolted.
“Not too much!” Raina called after them, giving Hawk a stern look.
Hawk grinned at her. “It’s a party.”
Garrett grinned as well. “Yeah. It’s a party,” he said, echoing the sentiment as he eyed the table, which also had an assortment of beer available.
Hawk groaned inwardly. Even less than drama, he did not need Garrett getting trashed at Tex’s house- or anywhere for that matter.
“Come meet the guys,” he offered, trying to steer Garrett clear of temptation. Garrett glanced at the table one last time and then to the small group Hawk had indicated, his brow furrowing. Clearly beer was more interesting to him than people, but he relented and moved forward. “Yeah, okay.”
Hawk led the way toward Shooter, Easy and Caleb, who were bullshitting off to the side. All of them had an adult beverage in hand, and Hawk silently prayed that no one would offer Garrett one. “Hey,” he said, giving them a nod as they approached.
They turned, offered a greeting to Raina when they saw her, and waited for Hawk to introduce Garret.
“This is my cousin,” Hawk said casually. Though they were all aware Garrett was freshly out on parole, they did not know the details and Hawk was certain none of them would be rude enough to bring it up.
After a round of handshakes, Shooter asked, “So, what’s keeping you busy?”
Garrett frowned. “Well, my old man got me a job at the lumber yard. Pay is shit, but work’s work, you know?”
Shooter nodded.
“How ‘bout you?” Garrett asked.
“Work’s good. I own a garage in town.”
At this, Garrett perked up, and the hair on the back of Hawk’s neck bristled. “Oh yeah. So, you’re Hawk’s boss.”
Hawk immediately regretted his oversight. Maybe this was a prime example of how easing Garrett in slowly was the best way to go. It was probably not a good idea to introduce an ex-car thief to a garage owner. Hawk resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose while thinking all of the ways this could end badly.
Chapter 13
When Abby returned to the house, Hawk spotted her talking earnestly with Tex and Sarah from across the yard. Abby clearly looked upset about something. He left his beer and made his way over to them.
“Hang on, baby,” Tex was saying to Abby. “Just slow down. Start from the beginning. What happened?”
Hawk frowned, “What’s wrong?” he asked when he got closer.
Tex shook his head. “I don’t know. Something about Tildy.”
Hawk looked at Abby. “Did she do something?” The blood in his veins started to chill. If Tildy really was crazy and she’d done something to Abby…but Abby shook her head.
“No,” Abby said quietly. “I- I think she’s in trouble.”
“What do you mean?” Hawk pressed.
Abby looked around at all the people in Tex’s backyard.
“What’s going on?” Shooter asked as he joined the group. He was always taking charge, even now that they were all out of the Army.
“Something’s wrong with Tildy,” Tex reported to his former lieutenant.
Shooter looked at Abby. “Not here,” he ordered and ushered everyone inside the house.
Easy and Caleb also joined them, having recognized an impromptu family meeting from the other side of the yard. Everyone assembled in Tex’s living room, while Caleb shut the back door to give them more privacy.
“Just start from the beginning,” Tex prompted his girlfriend again.
Abby took a deep breath. “I took Tildy home because she was a little drunk, and I didn’t want her taking a cab.”
“I took her home too,” Sarah added. “Big houses, big lawns.”