
I rack my brain for anyone I know with the name, coming up with only one.

Erin’s boyfriend.

Could it be the same person?

Is that why Dad wanted me to take care of Payton? Why didn’t he trust Erin?

A sinking feeling weighs heavy in my stomach as the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

It’s got to be.

All the threats. The accident.

Is it all connected?

I pick up the phone and call Mr. Baker.

“Mr. Aldridge, how can I help you?” he asks.

“Who gets the money if Payton dies?”

“Her sister, why?”

I hang up. I need to find her and warn her.

Pulling out my phone, I try to call her, yet again, her phone goes straight to voicemail.

Something isn’t right.

Before I can think twice, I’m racing down to my garage, guilt and fear running through my veins. I need to find her.

I dial the one person I know who can help me.

When I hear him say hi, I’m already speaking. “I need you to track Payton.”

“Trent, jeez, you’re a dog with a bone,” Jax says. “We already went over this . . . How many times do I have to tell you? I won’t trace her phone, dude.”

“You don’t understand!”

“Calm down.” He must sense the urgency, the sheer panic in me because he relents in an instant. “Come to my warehouse, and we can talk.”

“I’m already on my way.”


I hang up and hop into my car, weaving through traffic at breakneck speed. It takes me ten minutes before I’m throwing my car into park and stalking toward his warehouse.

He throws open the door the moment he sees me on camera.

“Did you find Payton?”

“Kind of,” he answers.

“What do you mean, kind of?” I storm past him into the large, cavernous space and turn around to look at him.

He types at one of the many computers, pulling up something that looks like an address and GPS beacon. “I tracked her last call to you. Her phone has been turned off since. Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?”

“I think it was her sister’s boyfriend.”

“What did he do?” he asks.
