A great idea forms.

That’s exactly what I should do. I should turn my phone off, but first, I keep it in my palm and head down the aisle. Normally, I would never go in a train’s bathroom, but I find my sense of humor at the idea of one of his men going into the public bathroom of a train to locate me.

I can’t stop laughing at the thought. I can’t stop laughing until I bump into someone.

“I’m so sorry,” I say, but the man just grunts, his head down as he walks away.

It reminds me of the jackass who bumped into me on the street the day that Trent cleaned my leg.

The day he touched me. Really touched me.

The day a part of me ignited and lit a fire that has yet to be put out.

His lips.

It’s as if I were branded.

I can feel his mouth on mine.

No, don’t think about that.

He’s not a good guy.

He’s a jerk.

He’s the reason I left tonight.

I need to remember this every time I think of his lips on mine . . . Trent Aldridge walked out after kissing me to go do whatever it is he is doing tonight with his date.

Finally, in the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. It’s dirty, and my reflection looks cracked.

It makes me look as sad as I feel.

Removing the tracking device from the palm of my hand, I search for a place to leave it.

A place where it won’t shut off, then he will have to search for it.

I decide to place it on the floor behind the toilet. Holding my breath, I kneel and drop it.

My gag reflex kicks in, and I’m sure I will vomit, but I hold it in.

Pushing the feeling down, I stand.


Take that.

I hope he’s the one who looks.

I hope he vomits all over himself.

It would be the best karma a girl can have.

