Page 57 of Little Stranger

I meant to say “You’re awake” but I guess I’m still learning that shit.

I stand and walk towards her while my spider scurries around my palm. He’s a baby still, furry, but the way she’s widening her eyes tells me that, one, she has no idea she has webs in her hair and on her body, and two, she’s still terrified of anything with eight legs.

Poor little guy. He just wants to be understood, just like me.Don’t you, buddy?

“Don’t you dare come near me with that thing!”

I smile, still in my balaclava. I fucked her ass all of yesterday, and while she passed out, I went for a sleep in our bed and showered. I tried to sponge wash her, but she got turned on, and I ended up fucking her ass again.

She even begged me to give her pussy attention, and I denied her of it.

I can’t help but smile at her. She’s beautiful—she has been since we were kids. I think since I met her in the airport, I knew how important she’d be to me, and when she learned sign language, and how to play “Happy Birthday” on the piano for me, I thought I was important to her too. Years passed, but I could never handle being far from her. I always wanted to kiss her and laugh with her, to lie in her bed and watch her sleep, sniff her fucking hair like the drug it is.

I was—technically—her brother. I’m still classed as one, I think. And as much as I wanted to be special to her, to be with her, I never wanted to be her brother. I wanted to be her first kiss, her first love, her first dance at Homecoming. I wanted to hold her hand and kiss her whenever I wanted. I was never normal enough for her—the freak without a voice.

Our parents hated me—I was the adopted kid they never should’ve signed for. She was the angel—still is to me, despite everything—and I was the mistake.

My parents were already concerned about my fixation with my sister, but when I was fifteen, I kissed her during a board game and was moved to the other side of the manor, so we had to risk our lives every time we wanted to sneak into each other’s room by walking across the roof ledge.

When I was nineteen, I knew the way I felt about Olivia was wrong. It was like an illness I had no idea how to treat. Olivia Vize was my sister, and I had fantasies of fucking her, of kissing her until we couldn’t breathe, of me hurting her and her liking it.

I was so dangerously obsessed with her that I planned to fuck her in her sleep, but I settled for going on a date instead to try to make her jealous.

That was my first mistake—everyone made up lies about me. I was the loser, the weirdo, yet all the girls wanted to suck my dick or try to make me fuck them to see if I’d moan their name. I never went near Anna. I didn’t kiss her, and I definitely didn’t fuck her. Olivia was my first—she’s the only person I’ve ever been with.

I tried to tell Olivia, but she kept grabbing my hands when I was signing, and I couldn’t say her name, never mind all those words. She slapped me, yelled at me, then I got sensory overload and snapped.

And I guess I saw red and ruined it all.

Now, my sister is pulling away from me, as far as she can in her chains, while I drag my palm over her tits, my creepy-crawly spider settled on top of my hand. She’s shaking so much, and her little whimpers are making my dick hard. I fix it in my pants, tucking it up into my waistband, and she glances down.

“W-Wait…” She hesitates, and the look in her eyes tells me this is a fear she may not get off on. Good thing this isn’t about her—this is for me. For the years she took from me.

I tilt my head the way I always do when I look at her and drag my palm up and over her web-covered breast.

She freezes all over as I let the spider crawl onto her face.

I don’t think she’s even breathing as I tilt my head further, watching it scurry over one of her eyes. “Beau-ti-ful.”

“Pl-Please take it off. Please, Kai. Please. I’ll do anything.”

I capture my lip between my teeth and walk behind her. “I like the way—” I stop, gathering my courage to keep the words coming, sinking my teeth into her neck to buy me some time. She whimpers and pulls on the chains. “You scream,” I finish, licking a trail from her collarbones, over her nape, and biting the other side of her neck.

I move her hair over to the other shoulder, tugging down my pants to free my cock, and press it to her entrance. “Scream louder,” I add as I force my cock into her pussy from behind, and her lungs expel the most arousing fucking sound, her head thrown back.

My pet is crawling up the side of her face, and I can see the fear in her expression—it makes me chuckle.

“The itsy bitsy spider,” I whisper against her ear, sliding in and out of her cunt. “Climbed up the waterspout.”

My tone is surprisingly good, considering. Maybe it’s the fact I’m distracted by my body pressed against hers, or the way her pussy clutches at my cock as I keep thrusting, her breaths gasping out of her in both fear and pleasure.

“Down came the rain,” I say slowly, biting my lip and groaning as I get deeper into her depths. “And washed… the spider… out.”

“Oh God,” she moans, the chains rattling as she pulls at them just as my little furry friend crawls up into her hair.

“Out came the sun,” I whisper, dropping my hand down the front of her to pinch her clit while I twist her nipple. “And dried up… all the rain.”

I feel my spider scurry onto my neck, settling there as I fuck my girl with more force, a shiver shooting down my spine to my balls as I force out the rest of the lyrics through gritted teeth. “The itsy… bitsy… spider…”