Page 67 of Lucas

“He’s probably all the way to New Orleans by now.”

Lucas recognized the deputy as Deputy Sarley, the man who’d responded to the break-in at Felina’s apartment.

Moments later, a black pickup pulled up to the front of the shop.Remy and Shelby leaped out and hurried toward them.

“We’d just walked into the house when we heard the call on the scanner.”Shelby looked around at the mess, her gaze landing on Trish.“I’m sorry this happened.Just remember, this is stuff.It can be replaced.”

Trish shook her head.“No, it can’t.I’d just dropped my insurance down to liability only.None of this is covered.I’m done.”Her gaze went to Lucas.“Please, take me home.”

“Remy and I will take photos of the damage and secure the building,” Shelby said.“We’ll deal with this in the morning.”

Felina walked Trish back out to the truck.Lucas helped her into the back seat and closed the door.

Felina wrapped her arms around Lucas’s waist.“She’s going to give up.How many times can a person be knocked down before they don’t get up again?”

“She’ll make it through this.She has you, Shelby, and the wonderful people of Bayou Mambaloa.Everything will turn out all right.”

“I hope you’re right,” she said.

Lucas opened the passenger door, handed Felina up into her seat and rounded the front of the truck to slide into the driver’s seat.

Felina turned sideways in her seat, looking back at her friend.“Trish, do you want to stay with me tonight?”

Trish shook her head.“No.I want to be alone.I have a lot of thinking to do.”

“About that,” Lucas said.“Remy positioned, Beau, one of the Brotherhood Protectors inside your home.With all the break-ins and threats, we felt it necessary to have someone with you.”

“Why?”She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.“I have nothing left to give.”

“I’m going to stay with you tonight,” Felina declared.“You shouldn’t be alone.”

Trish laughed.“You just told me there’d be a man in my house.“I won’t be alone.No.Please.Don’t stay with me tonight.Let me wallow in my self-pity by myself.”

Felina bit her bottom lip.“I’m not comfortable with that.”

“I’m beginning to believe this is Karma coming back to bite me in the ass.”She held up her hand.“Don’t worry.I won’t do anything rash.I promise.”

Felina exchanged a look with Lucas.

He could tell she wanted to stay with her friend, but Trish wasn’t having it.

When they pulled up in front of Trish’s cottage, two more vehicles were parked beside Trish’s four-door sedan.

“Is someone having a party at my house and forgot to invite me?”

Lucas dropped down from his seat and came around the truck to help Trish down.

She’d just gotten her feet on the ground when the front door opened, and Marty stepped out, followed by Rafael “Romeo” Romero.

Trish let out a choked sob and buried her face in her hands.“Why is he here?”she said between sobs.“Tell him to go away.I c-can’t marry him.He deserves someone better.”

Marty hurried toward her.“Hey.What’s all this?Why the tears?”

“Go away,” Trish said, her words muffled against her palms.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he said.“Not without you.”He scooped her up into his arms and held her close.

Trish wrapped her arms around his neck and shook with the force of her sobs.