Page 4 of Lucas

Some of her customers came to the shop just to tell her how sad they were that Marty had dumped her after all this time, leaving her unmarried and with no chance of finding a husband at her advanced age of thirty.If she waited too long, her eggs would dry up, and she’d never have children.

Her own mother was already setting her up with any unmarried man she could scrape up, determined to get a grandchild before she died.After all, Felina wasn’t getting any younger.

“Guys,” Danny said.“Get a room.”

Shelby and Remy broke apart.

“Not a bad idea,” Shelby said.“Do we have any food at home?”

“I think there’s one slice of pizza left in the refrigerator,” Remy said.

Shelby sighed.“It’s enough for me, but you need more.”She glanced at Felina.“Are you sure you don’t want me to say anything?”

Felina’s cheeks heated.“I’ll figure out something.”

Shelby shrugged.“I’m sure they could help.”

God, she hated to think about all ten of the men knowing what a failure she was that she had to hire a date for a wedding.Maybe she’d take one of her mother’s offerings.As soon as the thought surfaced, she squashed it.Not in a million years.

Why settle for weeds when you could have a bouquet of muscles?

No.She’d come up with some other way of deterring the gossips and appeasing her mother.Maybe she’d plan a vacation after the wedding, like an un-honeymoon to celebrate her near-miss.

Shelby and Remy moved toward a table where several of his friends had gathered.

Bernie stepped into Gerard Guidry’s arms and tipped up her chin to receive his kiss.“Hey.”

Felina swallowed hard on a groan.“I have to go.”

“But you just got here,” Danny said.

“And we haven’t picked out your guy,” Gisele added.

“I’m not convinced it’s a good idea, and I need some air.”Felina tipped her head toward Bernie and Gerard.

“Oh.”Danny’s lips pressed together.“I get it.Misery loves company, not a reminder that some people are ecstatically happy.”She rose from her chair.“I have to get back to work anyway.Do you want me to walk you out to your car?”

“No, I’ll be fine.It’s still early,” Felina said.

“Never too early for the drunks to get stupid,” Danny said with an arched brow.

“I’ve got my pepper spray.”Felina pulled the small container from her purse.

“Yeah, well, keep your hand on it,” Danny said.

“I will.”Felina headed for the rear door.

The man called Lucas appeared in front of her.“You’re not leaving, are you?”

Felina’s heart skipped several beats.She shook her head.“No,” she lied.“I need to visit the ladies’ room.”

“Oh, well, don’t let me hold you up.”He stepped to the side.“When you get back, I’d like to buy you a drink.”

Felina scurried away, wondering if Shelby had spilled the beans to this hunkworthy man that her pathetic friend needed a man in her life—at least for a wedding she didn’t want to attend.

Holy hell.Would the humiliation never cease?

She headed for the hallway leading toward the rear exit, passing the bathrooms on the way.She didn’t slow until she pushed through the door into the balmy night air.