Page 29 of Lucas

Lucas captured her hand in his, squeezed it reassuringly then let go.

He opened the door and held it for her to pass through.

Shelby waited inside.“Hey,” she said.“You feeling all right?”

Felina shrugged.“Sure.”

Shelby gave her a twisted smile.“First dead body?”

Felina nodded.“First, since my father’s funeral.”

“I remember,” Shelby said.“That was awful.”

Felina’s mother had wailed and tried to crawl into the casket with her husband, shocking the entire community.

“I got a pretty good look at him at the Crawdad Hole,” Lucas said.“I can do this.You don’t have to.”

Felina shook her head.“Two witnesses are better than one.”

Lucas rested a hand on the small of her back and walked down the hallway, following Shelby.

She stopped at a door, knocked lightly, then pushed the door open.“Dr.Rhodes, it's Deputy Taylor.I have two people here to identify the body.”

“Send them in,” a voice called out.

Shelby tipped her head toward Lucas and Felina.

They followed her into the examination room.

A man in a white coat stood beside a stainless-steel table with a body stretched across its surface, half-draped in a white sheet.

Felina’s stomach roiled at the overwhelming scents, one of which resembled stagnant bayou water.She pinched her nose closed and crossed to the table.

The man on the table was chalky white and naked beneath the sheet.

She’d only seen her guy’s face for a few brief seconds when the big guy had spun him around and shoved him into the SUV.Looking at the guy on the table, she wasn’t sure.

“It’s him,” Lucas said.“See the scar on the right side of his mouth?”

Felina looked closer.“I see it.”

“I remember it because it makes him look like he’s sneering.”

The scar wasn’t large, but it was enough to make him appear to be sneering.

“He has the right color hair,” Felina said.“I remember it being lighter than the guy who threw him into the SUV.And curly.”

“Thank you, Dr.Rhodes,” Shelby said.

He acknowledged with a brief nod and went back to his examination of the victim.

“Do you know who he is?”Felina turned with Shelby as they headed for the exit.

“Not yet.”Shelby left the exam room, waited for Felina and Lucas to pass through the doorway and then pulled the door closed.“He was found naked in the bayou.No form of identification on or near him.We’re running his prints and face through available databases.”Shelby led the way down the hallway and out of the building.She stopped beside her work vehicle.“If he was murdered—which we suspect he was—Felina could identify the man who forced him into the SUV.He might not want to leave that thread hanging.”

Felina shivered.“Then why did he stop short of finding me in my apartment?He had enough time to kill me, but he spent it going through my things.”

Shelby shrugged.“I don’t know.Maybe he thought you were with our dead guy.That he might have left something in your apartment they want.I hope that his identity will give us a clue.”