Page 66 of Lucas

“No,” Trish said.“I try to limit the amount of electricity I use.After paying Gaither all that money I’d set aside, I could barely afford to pay the rent and utilities.”

Lucas stopped and backed up.

“There’s someone inside your shop with a flashlight,” Felina said.

Lucas turned in the middle of the street and shined his headlights into the beauty shop’s front window.

A shadowy figure knocked over a styling chair and ran toward the back of the building.

“We have to stop him,” Felina cried.She flung open her door.

Lucas grabbed her arm.“Stay in the truck.”

“But he’s getting away,” she said.

“And he might be armed,” Lucas said.“Close your door and call 911.”

Felina closed her door and called 911.“I’d like to report a break-in on Main Street at the Shear Delight salon.It’s happening now.The guy is heading out the backdoor as we speak.Hurry.”

Lucas drove around the side of the building, hoping to see where the man was heading.

As he reached the back corner, an SUV blew past him, speeding down the alleyway behind the buildings.

Lucas gunned the accelerator and gave chase.He had no intention of stopping the man but wanted to keep an eye on where he went until the sheriff’s department could catch up and continue the pursuit.

The vehicle made a sharp right at the corner of a building.For a moment, Lucas lost sight of it.

“Go faster!”Felina shouted at Lucas.In her cell phone, she said, “We’re following a dark SUV, headed...”

Lucas turned where the lead vehicle had turned.Ahead, the SUV took a left on Main, sliding sideways for a few feet before it straightened and shot forward.

“—east on Main,” Felina continued.“He’s getting away.Can’t you go faster?”

Trish leaned forward.“He’s heading into the curves.”

Lucas did his best to keep up with the SUV, but his truck wasn’t made to take curves at high speeds.Without cargo in the back, he was forced to slow at each curve or risk the truck going into a spin.

“He’s getting away,” Felina said.

“I can’t go any faster,” Lucas said.“We’ll spin out and end up in a ditch, and he’ll get away anyway.”

When the road straightened out of the curves, the SUV was nowhere to be seen.

Lucas kept going for another mile, hoping to catch sight of the vehicle.

Felina laid a hand on his arm.“He’s gone.Let’s go back to the beauty shop and see what damage there is.”

Lucas turned the truck around and drove back into the town, passing a sheriff’s vehicle heading out.“Too late,” he murmured.

Another sheriff’s vehicle was parked in front of the Shear Delight, lights flashing.

Lucas, Felina and Trish got out of the truck.Trish unlocked the front door, and they stepped inside to what looked like the aftermath of a tornado.Chairs had been slashed and turned over; cabinets had been knocked over, the wood split, and the contents scattered across the floor.One of the shampoo bowls had been shattered, likely by the sledgehammer lying on the floor beside it.Red spray paint marred the walls with the words SLUT and KILLER in bold letters.

Trish pressed her hands to her cheeks.“I just can’t.”She turned and fell into Felina’s arms.

A man in a sheriff’s uniform approached through the back door.“Apparently, the perp is gone.”

Lucas almost laughed.“Yeah.He headed east out of town.”