Page 58 of Lucas

Lucas’s eyes narrowed.“Have you considered the fact that the murderer was female?”

Felina tipped her head.“We know the murderer was a female from the video.”

He continued to stare at her.

“What?You think Trish could be the murderer?”Felina shook her head.“No way.Trish is a lover, not a killer.She couldn’t even squash a bug.She catches spiders she finds in her house and releases them outside.”

“And people thought the BTK killer was a fine, upstanding member of his church.”

“Trish is not a murderer.”Felina unbuckled her seatbelt and looped her purse over her shoulder.

Lucas reached under his seat and pulled out a wicked black knife in a sheath.“At least take this.If you feel threatened, you’ll have some protection.”

Her lips pressed together.“I’m not taking that knife.”

“Take the knife, or I’ll have to go in with you.”His jaw tightened.

Felina opened the door and climbed out.

Lucas climbed out as well, meeting her at the front of the truck.

She marched to the front door and rang the bell.

Lucas remained with her, the knife in his hand.

The sound of footsteps made Felina’s heart beat faster.As the footsteps reached the door, Felina grabbed the knife from Lucas and shoved it to the bottom of her purse.“There.Are you happy?”

“Only mildly,” he said.“I’d feel better if I were going in with you.”

“Well, you’re not.”

The door swung open.

Trish stood there in shorts and a baggy T-shirt, her hair in wild disarray, her cheeks damp, and her eyes red and puffy.“Oh, Felina,” she cried.

“Hey, sweetie.”As soon as Felina stepped into the house, Trish fell into her arms.

Still standing in the doorway, Felina held her friend for a long moment.

When Trish finally raised her head, she looked out at Lucas.“Do you...want to...come in?”she asked between hiccups.

Lucas opened his mouth.

Before he could say anything, Felina answered for him, “He has some errands to run that could take a long time.I’ll call him when I’m ready to leave.How about I make us some iced tea, and we can talk?”

“I don’t know what good it will do.My life is ruined.”

Felina faced Lucas and mouthed,I’ll be okay,then closed and locked the door.She followed Trish to the little kitchen.“Talk to me, Trish.What’s so bad we can’t fix it with tea and a hug?”

The brunette stopped in the middle of the kitchen and looked around as if lost.“I did something...”she hiccupped, and more tears slid down her face, “stupid.I thought...I could...handle”She faced Felina, her face crumpling.“I can’t.I have off...the wedding.”

Felina took her friend’s hand and led her to the table.“Sit.I’ll make the tea.”

“There’s no...other...way.”Trish buried her face in her hands.

“There’s always another way,” Felina said as she filled the electric kettle with water.“We just have to put our heads together and find it.”After she turned on the kettle, she sat at the table with Trish and took her hands.“First, you have to tell me what’s wrong.I can’t help you fix it if I don’t know what it is.”

“I can’t tell you,” she said.“You already hate me.”