Mimi appeared beside Lucas and Felina’s table, carrying a tray loaded with their meals.She laid the plates down in front of them and straightened.“Can I get you two anything else?”
“No, thank you,” Felina said.
When Mimi headed back to the kitchen, Lucas glanced toward the table where the two ladies were sitting.
Both women were staring at him and Felina.
“Felina, darling,” Lola called out.“I didn’t see you there.How are you, my dear?”
Felina smiled, her cheeks flushing a soft pink.“Fine, thank you.”
“I suppose you’ll be providing the florals for Crabtree Manor after all?”Lola cocked a well-drawn eyebrow.
“Yes, ma’am,” Felina said.
“You’ll have your hands full.Do you have sufficient help to handle it all?”Lola asked.
Felina nodded.“I will.I have people on standby as usual to handle the deliveries.”
“And I’m sure your new man will be there for the heavy lifting.”Lola dipped her head in Lucas’s direction.
The color in Felina’s cheeks deepened.“Have you met my...boyfriend?”she asked.
“No, we have not, though we’ve seen a few new men in town around the boat factory.”
“Ladies, this is Lucas LeBlanc.”
Lucas stood and walked over to the women.He took Lola’s hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles while staring into her eyes.“Pleasure to meet you.”
He did the same for Martha.“Pleasure to meet you.”Then he returned to the booth and slid onto the bench.
“What a gentleman,” Lola said.“You better hold onto that one.”
“And don’t leave him alone with your friends,” Martha added.
Felina’s smile tightened but didn’t slip.“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Lucas reached across the table and took her hand in his, squeezing gently.
She gave him a grateful smile.“You’re gonna love the meatloaf.”
He dug into the meal.As Felina had predicted, he loved the meatloaf.
On the other side of the table, Felina picked at her plate full of food.
When Lucas was finished, Felina asked Mimi to bring a box so that she could take her food back to her apartment.
Once outside the diner, Lucas asked, “What’s wrong?”
Felina continued walking.“Who said anything’s wrong?”
“You didn’t eat the meatloaf you advertised as to-die-for.”
“I just wasn’t that hungry.”She held up the box.“But I brought it with me for when I do get hungry again.”She gave him a tight smile.
“Was it something I said?”he persisted.
Felina shook her head.“No.”