Page 38 of Lucas

Lucas paced several steps away,digesting Remy’s announcement.“I’m struggling to find a connection between Gaither’s death and Felina’s break-in.”

“They could be two completely separate incidents,” Remy offered.

“My gut’s telling me they’re connected,” Lucas said.

“Why would this Gaither dude be investigating me?”Felina asked.“My life is an open book.I have no secrets.”

“If he wasn’t investigating you,” Remy said, “then who would he have been following that would make someone believe you’re involved?”

“I saw the guy who threw Gaither into the SUV.That has to be the reason they targeted me.”Her brow twisted.“Though they didn’t really come after me, or they would have found me.They were looking for something in my apartment.I don’t have anything anyone would want.”

Lucas stared at Felina, his eyes narrowing.“When I found you behind the bar, you said the guy who pushed you felt you up.”He tilted his head.“By felt you up, what exactly did you mean?”

“I don’t know,” she said.“It happened so fast.”She turned her head from side to side.

“Close your eyes, Felina,” Lucas urged gently.“Talk us through what happened from the moment you stepped out the back door to when I found you.”

“I told you everything,” she said.

“Humor me,” he said.

She sighed.“Fine.I have a million and one things to do, but for you, I’ll close my eyes and tell you what I told you before.”

Felina closed her eyes.“I told you I needed to go to the bathroom.When I entered the hallway to the bathroom, I spotted the exit sign at the end.Instead of stopping at the ladies’ room, I pushed through the back exit out onto the landing.”

While she spoke, Lucas crept around behind her.

“I was standing there, debating walking back to my apartment or going back inside and asking Bernie to drive me home when the door burst open.

“A man ran into me from behind.We both almost fell off the stoop.He wrapped his arms around me until we both got our balance back.Then he stuck his hand in my pocket.”

“Like this?”Lucas slid his hand into her back pocket, shocked when he felt something there.He pulled it out and grinned when he realized it was a condom.

“No,” Felina said.“It was a lot more personal.He put his hand in my front pocket.I was so shocked.Before I could defend myself, he shoved me off the landing.”

“He slid his hand into which pocket?”Lucas asked, his hands lowering to rest on her hips.

Felina leaned her back into him.“I don’t remember,” she said breathily.

“Was it the left pocket?”He slid one hand into her left pocket.It was empty.

She shook her head, her breath catching.“No, not the left.”

Lucas slid his other hand into her right pocket.

“Yes,” she whispered.“That’s the pocket.”

The right pocket was empty as well.Lucas dragged his hands out, his thoughts churning.

“Headlights flashed at the other end of the parking area.Then he shoved me off the landing and leaped over me.The SUV drove up, a big man got out, grabbed Gaither, shoved him into the back seat and they drove off.That’s when you found me.”Felina opened her eyes and turned around.

“Could he have slipped something into your pocket?”Lucas asked.

“I would have felt it if he had.”

“Unless it was soft or small,” Lucas stared at her jeans.“Where were you when you took off the jeans?”

“In my apartment,” she said.“I took them off in the bathroom and left them on the floor.”