Page 26 of Lucas

“You.”Shelby wrapped her arms around Felina, hugged her and then stepped back.“I didn’t know your apartment had been broken into until I came on duty.I hurried over as soon as I heard.Tell me what happened.”

Felina gave her friend a short version of what had occurred the night before.

“Why didn’t you come stay with me?”Shelby asked.

“It was late.I didn’t want to disturb anyone, so I stayed in the shop.”

Shelby frowned.“Are you crazy?What if the intruder came back?”

“Deputy Sarley assured me a unit would come by often to check on me.”Felina shrugged.“I wasn’t too worried.”

“But you were alone.It only takes a few minutes for someone to break through a door.You shouldn’t have been alone.”

As if on cue, Lucas emerged from the workroom, wearing a black T-shirt, his hair wet and face clean-shaven.“Good morning, Deputy Taylor.”

Shelby’s eyes widened.“Okay.I see why you stayed.”Her lips twitched.“I guess hiring Lucas was a good idea after all, huh?”

Lucas shot a glance from Felina to Shelby.“Can I get you some coffee, deputy?”

“No, I have a cup in my unit.I just wanted to check on Felina.I’m glad you’re with her.I’ve learned no matter how capable you are at defending yourself, it’s nice when someone has your back—and she needs someone to have her back, especially after last night with the incident at the Crawdad Hole and the break-in.Speaking of the incident at the bar, it’s another reason I came to check on you.”

Felina frowned.“Why?Did you find the guy who shoved me or the mysterious SUV without a license plate?”

“We’re not sure.A couple of Fontenot cousins were out frog giggin’ in the bayou early this morning and came across a body.”

Felina gasped and pressed a hand to her chest.“Anyone we know?”

Shelby shook her head.“No one I know.”

Felina’s eyes widened.“You think it might be the guy who shoved me?”

“I don’t know.Did you get a good look at him before he got into the SUV?”

“Maybe,” Felina said.

“I saw him,” Lucas said.“I’m confident I can tell you if the body is the guy from the bar or not.”

Felina nodded.“And he didn’t get into that SUV of his own volition.A big guy shoved him in.I wouldn’t doubt the man ended up in the bayou.”

Shelby’s lips thinned.“Which is why I came to you.The body the Fontenots found hadn’t started decomposing yet, from what the coroner said.They took him to the parish coroner’s office.When you get a chance, could you swing by and look him over?He might be the guy who shoved you.In which case, we’ll need to find the people in that SUV.”

Felina looked around the shop.“I have orders I need to get out before ten o’clock.Can it wait until then?”

Shelby nodded.“Absolutely.The coroner will be conducting the autopsy to determine the cause of death.I’ll let them know you’ll be stopping by to see if you can identify the man as the one from the Crawdad Hole last night.I’ve also asked for the surveillance videos from last night.I’m hoping I could see when your guy came and left and maybe get a look at the men from the SUV.”

“I’d be interested in those videos as well,” Felina said.“The guy who shoved me was rude and callous, but I almost felt sorry for him when the big guy shoved him into the back seat of that SUV.It didn’t look like an invitation.”

“Let me know when you’re free,” Shelby said.“I’ll meet you at the coroner’s office.”She looked up at Lucas.“You’ll be with her now, 24/7?”

Lucas nodded.“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good.I don’t know what’s going on yet, but I’m concerned that our girl is being targeted.Deputy Sarley said whoever broke into your apartment ransacked it like he was looking for something.”

Felina nodded.“Had he been looking for me, he wouldn’t have stopped to dump my dresser and kitchen drawers or clear my closet of everything I had hanging inside.”She frowned.“But what do I have that he’d want?I’m just a florist.I don’t have any expensive jewelry or state secrets.It doesn’t make sense.”

“Good question.”Shelby turned to go.“I’ll be looking for answers.Stay safe and let me know when you’re headed for the coroner’s office.”

“Will do,” Felina locked the door behind Shelby and watched as the deputy drove away.When she glanced at the clock, she gasped.“Shoot!My driver will be here soon, and I’m not ready.”She ran for her workroom and worked in a flurry of motion, tackling one arrangement after another.