Page 10 of Lucas

“No,” the blonde said, clearly distracted, as if searching for someone.“I was supposed to meet someone here, but I don’t see him.”Her attention returned to Felina.“But isn’t this serendipitous?I had some ideas about the flowers for the wedding I wanted to run by you before you make the order.”

Felina frowned.“Could it wait until morning?I’m a little busy right now.”

“Oh,” Trish looked from Felina to Lucas, her eyes rounding.“Am I interrupting a date?”A grin spread across her face.

The color in Felina’s cheeks deepened.“I—”

The woman called Trish clapped her hands.“See?I told Marty you’d find someone who suits you much better than him.He said you wouldn’t.”

Felina’s lips pressed into a tight line.“He said that?”

Trish nodded, her blond hair bouncing.“How smart of you to find a man so soon.Will he be your plus one at the wedding?”

Felina lifted her chin, hooked her hand through Lucas’s elbow and smiled at the blonde.“As a matter of fact, yes.”

“Oh, good.I’m so relieved.I hated to think of you coming alone.”The blonde leaned in and hugged Felina.“I’m so glad we’re still friends.No hard feelings, right?”She straightened and looked around.“Now, I need to find the guy I was supposed to meet about a business matter.I’ll drop by your shop tomorrow to discuss the flowers.”She stepped away with a wiggle of her fingers.“Toodles!”

Felina stood for a moment longer, her body stiff.

“What was that all about?”Lucas asked.

“Nothing,” she muttered and made a beeline for the table in the corner Danny was wiping with a rag.

The waitress straightened as Felina and Lucas approached.“Was that Trish?”

Felina nodded.

“Want me to punch her in the throat?”Danny looked over her shoulder toward the blonde moving around the barroom.“Or I could spit in her drink or spike it with flaming hot tobacco sauce.”

Lucas blinked at the venom in Danny’s tone.

“No, don’t do that.Trish is just...Trish.And I might’ve said something that I didn’t mean.”

“You told her to go to hell and that you wouldn’t do the flowers for her wedding?”Danny grinned.

“No.I told her Lucas would be my plus one at her wedding.”

Danny’s gaze went to Lucas.“Really?That’s great.”She shook his hand.“Thanks for taking care of our girl.”

Lucas’s head was spinning.He wasn’t quite sure what had just happened, but he didn’t let on to Felina’s friend.“Anything for our girl,” he murmured.

“Damn right.”Danny’s eyebrows dipped low.“Just don’t hurt her, will you?She’s already been through enough.”

Lucas held up his hands.“I have no intention of hurting her.”

“Good.”Danny’s eyes narrowed.“Because if you do, I’ll find you and make you wish you hadn’t done it.”Her face cleared, and a smile softened her features.“There.Your table is ready.Can I get you a beer?”

Lucas nodded, hoping the waitress wouldn’t spit in it or spike it with hot sauce.

After Danny left, Lucas held out a chair for Felina and waited for her to settle before dropping into the chair beside her.“Mind telling me what that was all about?”

Felina’s brow puckered.“Wouldn’t you rather practice your pickup lines?”

Lucas shook his head.“Not when I think I’ve just been volunteered to be a plus-one at a wedding for people I’ve never met.”

Felina grimaced.“About that...”She drew in a deep breath.

Lucas straightened, his gut telling him to brace himself.