Page 8 of Rookie Moves

“Yeah, oh. And I suppose that’s my confession.”

“What? That you and your boy toy screwed instead of made scintillating conversation over wine and candlelight?” He couldn’t help but sound huffy. He was huffy, damn him.

Tatum chuckled. “You sure do have a vivid imagination for a jock,” she teased, knowing the very word set him off.

“Well, am I right?” He knew he was being immature, jealous of someone he’d just met, but in the few hours they’d spent together Shane had savored every glance they’d shared, every word they’d spoken, every glint of smooth thigh she’d flashed, every press of her firm nipples against the sweater she wore, until he was hopelessly, helplessly entranced. There was simply no other word for it, big as it might have been.

“No, actually. What I was going to say was that, in all that time with him, I’ve never had an ‘oh’ moment.”

Shane nodded as if he understood, even though he struggled to make sense of what she’d just said. Then she arched one eyebrow, thin and manicured and dark, making it clear she was talking about something sexy.

Not just sexy, he realized. Sexual. Then he nodded. Eagerly. “You mean, he never made you have … an ‘oh’ face?”

Tatum rolled her eyes, then nodded, then bit her lip, then sighed and looked away. “I can’t believe I just told you that. I’ve never told anyone that.”

“No one? Ever?”

She glanced back up at him, almost timidly. And “timidly” was not a word he’d ever thought he’d use in conjunction with a strong, confident, worldly woman like Tatum. “No, Shane, just you.” Her voice was low and soft, an intimate sound he’d never heard before. Not just from Tatum, but any woman. Ever.

“Well that’s a damn shame,” he teased. He sensed the moment needed a little bit of levity before Tatum started feeling sorry for herself.

“Which part? The part where I’ve never told anyone that my boyfriends never satisfied me, or the fact that my boyfriends never satisfied me in the first place?”

“Both, I suppose, and I thought we were just talking about your ex here.”

“We were, and then … Shane, I’m 22. I’ve had more than one boyfriend.”

“How many more?”

“What are you, writing a book?”

“I may, seeing as I’m talking to some more-than-one-boyfriend-having woman over here all of a sudden.”

She laughed, long and loud, a sound most satisfying indeed. “I have had exactly three boyfriends in my life, you big jock country prude.”

“And none of them, uh … got the job done?”

Shane thought of Emily—sweet, soft Emily, the way she got so wet when he touched her in the dark, the way her breath grew hot and heated in his ear, the way she told him what to do, greedily almost, bossy for sure, until she bucked and squealed and came and then made him wait her out. Then he would touch her again, here, then here, there, then over there, harder, faster, slower, softer, until she’d come so many times she was too tired to do chuck all for him, leaving him to sneak downstairs in the dark, hard as a rock inside his pants, only to jerk himself off in the car down the street before driving home. He wondered if all guys had the same problem with their girlfriends, but he was too afraid to ask any of his buds.

“No, Shane, not one. And you’re right.”

“About what?” Shane wondered. He wasn’t right often with Tatum, so this made his ears perk up indeed.

“Itisa damn shame.”

He chuckled. She might have been a few years older than him, and wiser in the ways of relationships, but given the chance, Shane knew he could satisfy her in more ways than one. Not that that would ever happen, but he sure wouldn’t mind trying, given the chance.

“Your turn,” she said and chuckled, surprising him out of his orgasm-giving-to-strange-women reverie.

Chapter Seven


“To what?”

Tatum pressed her sensible brown shoe flat against Shane’s sneaker. His big, white, clean sneaker, she noted. Emphasis on the “big.” Big like his hands, those long, thin fingers and what they might do to her, if she was reckless enough to let him, that is. In doing so, she felt the dampness between her legs, greedy and unmistakable and surprisingly refreshing. It had been a long time since she’d felt that wet.

Too long by far...