Page 20 of Rookie Moves

Shane had made her reckless in a way she’d never been before, but clearly had always wanted to be. It wasn’t just his body she wanted, though clearly she couldn’t keep her hands off his sweaty balls and sticky shaft! It was all of him, the whole damn package, his cheesy dimples and crooked smile, his faded ball cap and his slow, drowsy humor, little pearls of Southern charm that never failed to make her laugh, or at least smile.

The feeling seemed mutual, at least for the moment. As Tatum leaned slightly forward, savoring his manly scent and favoring his soft, fluttering belly with the first of several lingering kisses, his whole body oozed satisfaction. Tatum found she liked making Shane happy, in a way she’d never wanted to please a man before. He was clearly, uh … receptive to the idea.

Her kisses grew more fervent, to match the rapid heart rate he’d inspired deep within her chest, to say nothing of the growing shimmer of desire that was building once more, coiled tight and hot inside her belly. She savored his sweaty skin, drunk on his masculine pheromones and lapping at his sticky skin as if chugging pure sex from a bottle.

All the while, her tantalizing tastes and flickering tongue was slowly but surely loosening the tides swirling inside of him. Tatum knew her young jock lover wouldn’t last long once she favored his throbbing, leaking prick with her full attention, but she couldn’t help taking her time as she drank in his flawless body and lapped at his gently ridged six-pack, so lean and enticing after years of only dating beer-swilling, folk-music-loving hipsters back home.

Tatum felt the heat throbbing from his cock, and drawn like a moth to a flame, found her tongue trilling through the sticky curls of his light-brown pubic thatch, nibbling and tugging playfully as he winced and murmured his encouragement from high above her gently bobbing head.

Her right hand still lazily gripped the humming base of his smooth, compact shaft, and squeezing it, she finally got his attention. Glancing down at her with half-lidded, dreamy eyes, hands behind his head, thighs spread wide like a king on his throne, Tatum smiled before murmuring, “I’m going to suck your cock now, Shane. You can watch me in the daylight, or lean back, close your eyes, and just enjoy it. Either way is fine because I can tell you’re going to taste good so this won’t be my last time, okay?”

He blushed and beamed and grinned all in one, truly like a little boy about to open his bulging stocking on Christmas morning. “I want to taste you, Shane. Every inch of you, so you don’t have to warn me when you’re about to come, okay? I’ll know it, and I want it. All of it. Deep inside of me. Will that make you happy?”

He beamed and nodded, staying mum as if he already knew to obey the rules. She liked that, liked being in charge, liked shocking him with a little dirty talk even as her lips begged to get down to business. She did so, but not before giving him a sly, lurid little wink, licking her lips and gently, slowly, bending to enrobe the shimmering tip with eager lips and a gently dancing tongue.

He stiffened, throbbed, and gasped, his silken, savory taste tangy on her tongue and rich between her greedy lips. Although she’d been craving it all day, imagining his taste, his silken sheen desperate and raw between her hungry lips, the first taste was far from enough. Greedily she descended the length of him, gobbling him whole until her flared nostrils, panting and desperate, wriggled at the first glance of his pubic thatch against her nose.

She lingered there, letting the heat of her mouth warm and lubricate his swollen shaft as his gleaming cock throbbed and embraced the glistening cavern of her hungry maw. Gorging on his rawness and youthful enthusiasm, Tatum embraced the craven grunts and eager murmurs that escaped her lips. Finally she slithered back up his gleaming prick, dragging her lurid lips along every ridge and vein and smooth, shimmering inch until she wedged her mouth atop the thick, gleaming tip.

Tatum admired her handiwork, the throbbing helplessness of his quivering prick wet with her lust and just begging to be sucked and savored anew. The liquid sheen highlighted the rigid flesh beneath the smooth, supple skin, the throbbing veins just below the shimmering surface like a road map of desire she ached to travel again and again. She did just that, abandoning all hope of restraint and giving in to the primal lust that urged her up and down his pretty little prick, knowing it wouldn’t be long until it erupted deep inside her shameless mouth.

His grunts and thrusts proved her right, Tatum savoring the masculine, meaty flavor of his cock as it surged in and out of her loosely bound embrace. Despite her earlier warnings, the Southern gentleman currently thrusting in and out of her eager lips like a jackhammer grunted and gasped, “Baby, I’m almost … almost … there.”

She nodded even as her lips tightened around his throbbing prick, savoring the sensation, the flavor, the calm before the storm. And storm it did! His helpless gasps turned to trembling limbs and a quaking belly just before his swollen tip erupted with a flavorful throb and liquid gush, warm and decadent as she swallowed lustily, giving in to the desires she’d long harbored but never indulged in before.

Breathlessly she released him, if only to watch the gentle spurts and tiny gushes that followed the initial geyser blasts, dripping and drizzling onto his gasping belly and sweaty pubes. She milked him gently, savoring his tender trembles and fluttering gasps as the last of his sticky jizz puddled just beneath his belly button.

Saucily, she slid a wanton fingertip through the sticky puddle and held it aloft, watching his eyes admire her glossy finger before she slid it gingerly between her lips and savored the last of his thick, warm jizz.

She sensed a curiosity in the way he still watched her long after she’d slid her wet, glistening finger from between her lips. Smiling devilishly, she slid the same finger back through the dwindling puddle until it was coated and creamy. She held it higher this time, closer to his mouth than hers. “Curious?” she teased, not entirely surprised when he nodded gently, cheeks blushing from more than his geyser blast deep in her craven throat.

“Good boy,” she murmured. She slid the sticky finger between his lips and watched him suck it tentatively, then eagerly, eyelids fluttering with the last of the day’s lust before she slid it from his lips and gently traced them, as if she might forget.

She still knelt between his legs, savoring the heat and desire that washed over them both. Their eyes met, almost bashfully this time, each ragged heartbeat dragging them gently away from the tidal wave of inescapable lust that had swallowed them whole, and now, spat them back out, timid and tentative all over again.

“Come here, girl,” he oozed in that syrupy Southern accent, unclasping his hands from behind his sweaty curls and holding them out to embrace her. She nodded, grateful for the tenderness of Shane’s offer and even more so when she slithered onto the couch, wriggling against him as he held her tight, so tight she could feel their hearts pounding against one another’s through their feverish skin.

“Thank you,” he murmured as she sagged against his taut, smooth chest.

Chapter Fourteen


“For what?”

Shane clucked, as if this woman still didn’t really understand just how much she’d just rocked his safe, boring little world. As if she didn’t realize that, for Shane anyway, there was no going back to how things used to be. Not for him, and he desperately hoped, not for Tatum as well.

“Damn, girl, for just about everything, I reckon.” As if for emphasis, Shane reached down and cupped the closest cheek of her ripe, curvy rump and squeezed it tenderly.

She wriggled against him, all sensual curves and ripe, sticky angles, each one of them clinging to him urgently as their sweat and other juices comingled, like the frantic beating of their pounding little hearts. She nuzzled her face in his neck, warm breath swirling across his shoulder blade as she murmured, “You don’t have to thank me for something I’ve wanted to do since I saw you in the locker room that day, Shane.”

“You too?” He chuckled, relief flooding his body as if to replace all the built-up desire she’d just drained from him, body, mind, and soul. “I thought, that day, there was no way in hell this sexy, sophisticated grown-ass woman is going to fall for little old me.”

“Sophisticated?” She let out of a gruff little grunt, nudging him with the swell of her hip where it met his own. “Hard to feel sophisticated when you’re sneaking into a dorm room to entice some innocent little country boy into doing the wickedest of things, Shane.”

“I’m not so innocent, girl, remember?” He nudged her back, her heat enveloping him like a cloud he couldn’t escape from, even if he tried. And why the hell would he try? “And there’s a lot more wicked coming your way, so rest up.”

“Don’t tempt me with a good time,” she murmured, breath like a tongue against the small of his throat. He’d never realized what a tender, titillating body part that could be until her breath washed over it like a smooth, silent caress. “Besides, you already fulfilled your part of the deal, remember?”