Amara helped pull off a clip, grunting with effort. “Well, at least you’ll know where your security needs help,” she pointed out.

“It wouldn’t need nearly as much if they had done their job,” I growled. Hopefully, whoever it was had been just as lax with combat training.

I raised the grate just enough for us to slip through, then pulled it back in place behind us. We were immediately soaked up to my knees and her thighs.

“How far do we have to go?” she asked.

“A quarter day’s walk if unimpeded.”

She sucked in a startled breath. “Which means your sector is huge.”

I quickly explained that there were large swaths of land that were unoccupied. We talked about potential solutions to a variety of surprise situations as we walked. Her optimism, ideas, and strategic prowess impressed me.

“Once things are set right, I will show you my entire sector,” I offered. “I think you might not find living here a burden once you know it.”

“Maybe not. I just can’t think that far ahead yet,” she replied thoughtfully.

I nodded, satisfied for now with that answer and the fact that she was at least considering making my home hers.

We stopped to rest only once, to eat and drink, and refill my filter canteen before moving on. Amara walked on doggedly, struggling against the current, sometimes riding on Chaser’s back with her upper body tucked down over his so her head wouldn’t hit the tunnel ceiling. She got quieter and tenser as we drew closer to the palace, and our conversation died away.

Now and then I had to stop and disable one of the vermin sensors or undo a grate that forced us to duck under it to go on. As we continued, the stormwater changed from knee-deep to a shallow stream barely covering my toes. Walking got easier, and we picked up the pace. Soon we reached the ring-shaped tunnel surrounding the palace, carrying rainwater from the drains above.

“Now it gets tricky,” I told Amara quietly, surveying the area. “We can leave through a grate outside, risking being seen, or climb a vertical shaft. But Chaser can’t follow that way.”

“Better use the grate,” she said firmly.

“You two wait here.”

I climbed up to the nearest grate. Hearing nothing, I pushed it open and peered out. We were at the palace gardens, which had some cover. I saw no guards.This is sloppy security.But Torian would pay for these mistakes, not my people.

I slipped out and moved through shadows, senses alert, and heard faint footsteps and chatter from the gathering room overlooking the garden, but no distinct voices. I went closer to the palace wall, listening at a door.

I heard one guard nearby.Not ideal.I knocked at the door, and when it opened, I pulled the young guard out, knocking him unconscious.

“Sorry,” I muttered, tying him up out of sight. I had to fix this negligence when I regained control.

I found a storeroom and took a fresh tunic for Amara, but nothing else would fit her. I would have to improvise later. There were few people around, just some guards, no servants or droids.

I returned to Amara, who changed gratefully into the dry tunic with a hood and long sleeves.

“You know I love wearing your shirts, but I really need some clothes of my own,” she said, putting up the hood to conceal her face.

“Soon,” I promised. “For now, let’s get you and Chaser out too.”

Getting Chaser up and out took some doing, but finally we were all in the garden. I removed the guard’s gag and woke him. His eyes widened at the sight of me. “Naxer? But they said you were…”

When I pressed him for details, he revealed that in my absence, my cousin Torian had assumed control and usurped my Beta, Delven, effectively dethroning him from his position. But the news that half the captive Earthlings were gone and heading to sector one hit Amara hard. I resolved to reassure her I still meant to help free her people once I dealt with the usurper Torian.



Hearing we were too late was like a punch to the gut.

I was a swirl of rage, shame, and self-blame. Wounded, wasting time with Naxer, and too damn caught up in me to go full throttle and stop the slavers in their tracks.

I took a deep breath, wrestling my mess of emotions to the ground. I had to stay strong and focused, no distractions.