Before I was too worn out to do anything but sleep, we engaged in lovemaking two more times. The second time he was still full of enthusiasm, hands shaking as he caressed me, sharp teeth leaving little marks on my shoulders as he drove me into the bedroll. He rode my body toward orgasm, crushing me pleasantly as I squeezed his sides with my thighs and dug my fingers into the furs beneath us. His hard body pushed me insistently toward the brink until I whimpered and squirmed with every thrust, finally begging him, “More. Faster. Harder. Don’t stop.”

His gentleness crumbled the more aroused he became. His gasps and groans, the way he teetered just on the edge of too rough when he couldn’t take it anymore, aroused me even more than the sweet hot friction between our bodies. My pussy tightened around his cock, and I shook.

When he lost all control, he took me harder and faster, holding me in an almost bruising grip as he propelled us toward another climax. I screamed with ecstasy, moving with him. Then the climax hit, and I thrashed under him, crying out his name, begging for more, until he shouted my name hoarsely and shuddered over and inside me.

The third time happened hours later, after we had slept for a bit. I woke up to him caressing me, his erection already pressed against my belly, and marveled at his stamina.

Dawn came too damned soon. When the light started filtering through the leaves, I groaned and rolled over, seeking the shelter of his arms again for a few moments before I had to get up.

I had that mix of relaxation and soreness that only came after lengthy yoga or lots of orgasms. I could feel the slight pain of finger bruises on my back, thighs, and ass, and scratches from his sharp teeth on my neck and shoulder, but he hadn’t marked me with his mating bite.

I stretched and sat up, and he opened his eyes and looked up at me sleepily.

“Good morning,” I said, standing naked as I slid into my ragged shoes.

I headed for the saddlebags to find another shirt to steal. The tunic he had loaned me days ago was ripped, muddy, and bloodstained. I wondered how Gladiators kept enough clothes around, between the shape-shifting and all the fights they got into.

“Good morning, Sheleki,” he said in that low, rumbling purr I was loving. “I should make us our dawn meal.”

I marveled at this Gladiator.He fights for our lives, pleasures me senseless, then makes me breakfast. Maybe he’s a keeper,I thought as I dressed in my stolen shirt. He sure felt like he was the one for me. But maybe this could be the afterglow of hot, great sex talking. A lifetime of wariness about men still had me cautious even as I enjoyed our new relationship with energy.

When I grabbed fresh bandages for my feet and turned back around, he was staring at me, looking vaguely worried. He only had his under-armor pulled up halfway, one sleeve on, completely distracted by what he saw. I already knew he liked my ass from how often he’d had his hands on it, but the worried look threw me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“You have bruises. I injured you.” Guilt crept into his voice.

I just smiled. “You just bruised me a little. Believe me, I didn’t mind when it happened.”

“I should be more gentle.”

“You’re fine,” I insisted, and that was the truth. If I didn’t like it, I would have boldly told him. I’d loved being dominated by him during sex. He was the only male I’d ever trusted to take control like that.

Naxer was, in so many ways, the opposite of what I expected from men pursuing me.He’s brave, forthright, and he wants to care for me.And if he ever stepped over into controlling outside of sex, I could deal with it then.

“Seriously, the bruises don’t even hurt,” I said. “I’ll just heal slower than you.”

He winced slightly. “I do not discount your resilience, but I hate to see you injured. Gladiators like rough rutting. I must remember that you are human and are not used to this.”

“I can take it. Plus I like it rough… with you.” I sat to wrap my feet and ankles. I just wanted a clean, padded layer between my healing feet and those filthy, busted shoes.

He gave me a sexy grin before he busied himself with dressing. I felt a flicker of disappointment as his magnificent body disappeared behind the suede and then the armor.

After eating, we resumed our journey. There were more meadows and a derelict landing pad in the distance.

By noon, we took a break in the shadow of a walled village that was completely overgrown with vines. We ate a lunch of some multilegged insect as big as a baby carriage that had tried to take my arm off. It tasted like lobster.

The afterglow didn’t keep my muscles from getting sore or my butt and legs from chafing in the saddle. I stretched and walked it off as Naxer cooked and Chaser kept watch.

“You have spoken little about our coupling,” he commented quietly as we ate.

“I’m still processing it,” I said, which just left him looking confused. “This isn’t what I expected would happen when I arrived on this planet, but I’m enjoying being with you.”

“Well, that part gives me hope. It seems I must work harder to convince you of the benefits of our union.”

That made me smile. “Look, Naxer, you’re doing fine. I just… with everything around me, it’s something I have to get used to. And where you, where we, fit into this new life of mine, I don’t quite know yet. I’m not trying to play hard to get.”