My eyebrows went up. “Not much of a compliment under the circumstances.”

He smiled grimly. “I know. But true.”

We made our way back to the camp once he searched the bodies for any communications equipment or supplies. He came back with one of their blasters, which he handed to me.

“We will begin practice once we have eaten,” he said solemnly. “You will be safest if both armed and trained as well as having Chaser and me by your side.”

I couldn’t argue with that logic either. As I took the blaster and turned it over in my hands, I thought about the fact that the slavers were down five guards now and I was up one ally. Or one ally and his dog. Of course, that was only if he agreed to go with me to attack the slavers before dealing with politics and what passed for red tape in his world. I was more than ready to get started after the caravan.

I had gotten used to eating after seeing dead bodies on my tour of duty, so that was no problem. So when we arrived back at camp, I got the meat bars and water into me as quickly as I could.

Naxer watched me, lifting an eyebrow. “You are unused to a strictly meat diet.”

“Yeah, too much more of this and the lack of fiber will get to me.” I would worry about getting my hands on fruit and vegetables as soon as all the rest of this craziness was over. “The meat sticks are nourishing, but humans are omnivores.”

“That is why so many of your teeth are flat. I noticed that and wondered about it. Your teeth look a little odd to me.”

“Likewise.” I sighed and finished draining the filter canteen. “We’re supposed to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables to keep our systems healthy.”

“Fruit I can understand, but leaves? Roots?” He sounded a little horrified.

“Yeah, seeds too. We grow them by the field and grind them into flour for baking.” There was another thing from back home that I had seen no signs of here. I would have killed for a good loaf of sourdough along with a new pair of sneakers.

“What a strange diet. Aside from our orchards and fisheries, we keep herds and we hunt. That is all. Some gather spices from the wilds, but we do not eat vegetables. Do you eat unopened flower buds as well?”

“Sometimes. It depends on the type. Some types you can’t eat and they have a terrible taste.”

His eyebrows drew together. “Strange.” He took a huge bite of dried meat, then got up to refill the canteen.

I stared after him. The guy turned into a truck-sized monster and thought eating flower buds was weird?Okay then.

Once we had both eaten our fill, I took an inventory of myself. My feet were less sore despite my walking around on them without proper shoes, and I didn’t ache all over from stiff, sore muscles. I had slept on the ground, but that bedroll had been comfortable. I was healing.

And that meant that I would have to decide: stay or go?

With any other guy I had just met, even a good old-fashioned human back on Earth, I wouldn’t have been reluctant to leave him behind after knowing him for so short a time. But this alien was different.



A hot alien beefcake. A brave and generous soul besides.

Naxer had something about him I just couldn’t easily walk away from.

Perhaps it was the trauma bond of the rescue… or a friendly face amid the nightmare… or simply raw, primal attraction.

The more I recovered, the more aware I was of him—his muscular body, those golden bedroom eyes, that thick, ridged cock I had gotten an eyeful of twice now.

Now that I didn’t feel half-dead, I could feel every brief flicker of heat that the sight of him and the sound of his voice sent through me. Just the memory of waking up next to him made me squirm inside with wanting that again.

Desire simmered as I pictured grasping that ridged length, teaching him how to use it to please me. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to ignore the ache building there.

If he’d never been with a real woman before, he’d probably have to be trained… by me.

How would he react to his first time having sex?

My skin tingled, craving the feel of his muscular arms wrapped around me. I imagined the heat of his breath against my neck as he held me close. The feel of his hard, hot cock sliding into me.