“And when you shift into your beast form, do you also have six legs?”

“No,” I replied. “In my Wulfaen form, I only have four limbs—two sturdy hind legs and two powerful forelimbs. My kind’s beast shape long ago developed for optimal speed and strength, streamlining multiple arms and legs into just four. It allows me to bound and fight with unmatched feral power. My upright Gladiator form has greater intellect and tool use, but as a Wulfaen, I am the perfect predator. I drop to all fours, my essence concentrating on four thickly muscled legs, built to slash and unleash tremendous force. So while I walk on two legs in this humanoid state, in my Wulfaen skin, I gain animal instinct and feral might—the essence of the apex predator incarnate.”

“That’s actually kind of fascinating,” she said while stretching and groaning. “God, even in the military, I’ve never felt so much pain and exhaustion.”

“Healing takes a lot of time, energy, and rest.”

“Logically I know that rest is the key, but there’s so much to do and so little time.” She sighed heavily. “Honestly, since meeting you, this is the first time I’ve been remotely comfortable or felt safe since arriving on this planet.” She stared past me as if lost in thought.

That she felt comfortable and safe in my presence filled me with happiness. As her mate, I wanted to protect, love, and bring her joy for the rest of my life. “You will know full comfort, safety and a pair of proper shoes as soon as I can make it possible. You have my word, Amara.”

She smiled genuinely this time, wide and dazzling, and then it faded several degrees, as if she had caught herself at something.

“Well,” she said, “that sounds pretty good, but how nice are the shoes?”

I lifted an eyebrow. “What are you expecting besides something you can’t walk to rags?” My lips curled up into a playful smile.

“I don’t know.” She gave me a naughty grin. “Fashionable?”

“Don’t push it,” I said, followed by a mock scowl.

She laughed, the first genuine laugh I had heard from her since we’d met.



In the distance, one of the planet’s four moons was rising over the jagged mountains. Alien blooms perfumed the humid air.

“How are you feeling?” I asked softly.

She looked magnificent in my over-tunic despite the clumsy bandages on her feet and the ragged shoes over them. Her body swelled and curved against the thin leather, turning a garment I wore as little as I could manage into something sensual and almost luxurious-looking. She tied the extra set of sleeves under her breasts, which peeked out slightly from the gap between the collar and its first clasp. The hem of the tunic fluttered around her thighs, offering tantalizing glimpses of them that made me too aware that she was nude underneath.

She rubbed her eyes and stifled a yawn. “Better. Still tired and sore, but getting there.”

Her feet were healing, and the swelling had gone down, and soon she’d be able to walk again without pain. I sensed her impatience to save the Earthlings, and I was determined that as soon as I reunited with my pack and reclaimed my place among them, I would make it happen. However, the jungle was treacherous, and defending her would be a challenge if she couldn’t be quick on her feet, even with Chaser’s help.

Perhaps I should train her in blaster use,I thought as we settled in for another meal. If she’s used weapons before, she should at least understand the basics.

“I believe I should arm you before we leave,” I said, digging packets of dried meat out of my pack.

“What have you got handy?” she asked, lifting an interested eyebrow and glancing over the weapons hanging from my belt and Chaser’s saddlebags.

“Force blaster—medium range, emits a concussive bolt a finger-length across. I can adjust it to a stun setting by expanding its contact area. I will show you once you get some sleep.”

She let out a small, thoughtful noise that didn’t translate and nodded. “Sounds good, thanks. I’ll ask you more about it then. Right now all I want to do is eat, drink, and sleep.”

I nodded. “You’re healing but not healed. This is to be expected.”

Her appetite had grown with her energy. She devoured almost a quarter of my spare food supplies, her dark eyes thoughtful. I ached to run my fingers through her dark curls and sample the sweetness of her full lips. Now and then she glanced at me and seemed on the verge of asking something. Instead, she looked away or, increasingly, stifled a yawn.

Moments ticked by, the sun was starting its descent toward the mountains, and she was sleeping, belly full, near the embers of the fire I would soon stoke up to keep us warm during the night’s chill. She would sleep longer than I, and then I would join Chaser in watching over her. But for now I arranged myself just close enough to share warmth.

Her sweet scent enveloped me as I drifted off with the soft sound of her breathing in my ears. Despite the uncertainty ahead, I felt a deeper peace than I had in years, even if I could not let myself touch her yet.