“Henry used to be with Daddy all the time, and Kirk drove me to school,” Bella said.“When you came to live with us, he made Henry do it.”
“Henry is the head of security,” Sariah wheezed, her eyes haunted as she seemed to will Bella to look at her.But she wouldn’t.I didn’t think she could.“Paxton switched things up for you.Apparently the previous guard failed to mention the ice-cream excursions.”
“Jannel always gave the nannies and Kirk money,” Bella explained, absently playing with her utensils.“They thought I didn’t know, but I’m not stupid.I saw her give them a lot of money every time we met her.”
“Of course you’re not,” I assured her, offended on her behalf.“You’re the smartest kid I know.You’re as wise as Yoda himself.”
“Right?”She grinned, causing me to laugh.But her face became serious again all too soon.“I really wish we hadn’t come here this weekend.Can we go home now?”
“Soon,” I promised, taking another drink of my coffee.It was considerably cooler this time, but I wasn’t after taste.It was the caffeine kick I needed.Hopefully I had something for the migraine in my bag upstairs.
“I’m so sorry,” Sariah whispered.“For everything.Bella-Boo.Please, I… God, I’m so, so sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Bella said, sounding resigned.Not mad.Not sad.Resigned.At six.The crack in my heart grew a little deeper.“I’m used to it.Do what you want.I’m fine.Because Brooke loves me.As long as you don’t take Brooke away from me, I don’t care.”
“You’re so strong, Bella,” she choked out, blinking back tears.“My little miracle who saved me after all the nightmares.You deserve Brooke, and Brooke is the only one deserving of you.I love you, and I know they seem like empty words because I have done nothing to earn your love, but I have to tell you.I love you more than life.More than myself.More than Luck.”
“I love you too.”Bella curled her fingers in mine.“But I love Brooke more.She’s mine.”
“Always,” I agreed.“And you’re mine.”
Jumping to her feet, she ran around the table and threw her arms around my neck.“You said I was your kid.That’s what you told Jannel.”
God, no one had ever needed me or wanted me in their life like Bella.She had been mine the moment I’d met the sad Jedi on her sixth birthday.No matter what happened with her dad and me, there was no way I would ever willingly leave her.
“Then I guess it has to be true,” I said.
Feeling eyes on me, I glanced around to find several people at nearby tables watching us.We’d been giving a good portion of Vegas a free show all weekend.First, before the fight the night before.Now, over breakfast.Kissing Bella’s cheek, I leaned back.“Did you have enough to eat?”She nodded.“Then let’s go back to the room and wake up your dad and Luck so we can get home.”
Sariah waved over the waitress.I had brought some cash to pay, but she gave me a stern look and told the woman to charge everything to the penthouse.Pulling a tablet from her apron, the waitress plugged in our information and then handed it over for Sariah to sign.
I held Bella’s hand as we left the restaurant and found the elevators.“How was the fight?”I asked, making conversation to keep things comfortable between the three of us.
Ducking her head, Sariah groaned.“Nothing went as planned last night.After you two left, the reigning champion’s wife showed up.There are pictures of her husband and Chloe all over the internet from when they were out earlier this week.That’s what she was talking about when she came up to us last night, trying to upset you.I can’t stand her.And if she had gotten in your head, I would have killed her.But she’s harmless other being a…” She glanced at Bella to make sure she wasn’t looking at us before mouthing, “whore.”
Chloe had upset me last night, but only for a moment.It had been the realization that Paxton loved Sariah that had sucker-punched me.Not wanting to think about that, however, I snickered.“But she seemed like such a sweet girl.”
“Pfft,” Sariah snorted.“Chloe has always been easy.She has a thing for Paxton, but he won’t give her the time of day.I’m not surprised she was caught doing the naughty with someone else’s husband.She thinks her daddy’s money will save her.It didn’t save her from me when she tried to hurt you last night, and it sure didn’t save her from the beatdown she took from Marcella.”
Bella perked up at that news.“Marcella was there last night?”
Grinning, Sariah nodded, giving Bella what I hoped was the watered-down version of the girl-fight before the actual MMA event took place.“Security had to pull them apart.The only good part was when Jon was told to leave and that he wouldn’t be invited to sponsor another event.”
“I don’t like him very much,” Bella said, making a face.“He makes Daddy grumpy.”
“Which one was Jon again?”I asked as we stepped into the elevator.“I met so many people, I’m not sure I remember.”
“You weren’t introduced to Jon,” Sariah informed me.“He was the one who tried to grab my butt when he hugged me.”
“Creepy guy,” I muttered with a nod.“Luck pushed him.”
“Yeah, that was him,” Sariah confirmed.“He’s also Chloe’s dad.”
I needed to start making notes of who these people were so I didn’t get them confused in the future.Not that I planned on going to another event like this one.At least not unless Bella wanted to go.Where she went, I would follow.
“The MMA world is not unlike a soap opera,” I concluded.
“Did Marcella’s husband win?”Bella asked when the elevator opened into the penthouse.