Page 41 of Finding Redemption


Workingthe brush through the last of the tangles in Brooke’s hair, I heard her contented sigh and kissed the back of her head.“Are you hungry, kitten?”

“A little, but I don’t want to move.”She cuddled back into me where I sat with her between my legs so I could dry her hair.

“We’re not going to,” I assured her, grabbing my phone to text Sariah.Almost as soon as I hit send, she replied to let me know she would bring up a tray, along with a picture of Luck holding Bella by the waist over a pot, stirring the marinara sauce.

Seeing it, Brooke snatched the device from my hand to take a better look.“She’s so adorable.I’m sad we missed the fun.”

Wrapping her hair around my wrist, I jerked her head back.Hearing her whimper had my cock hard all over again.“We had our own fun,” I growled, pressing my lips to her throat.“And if you’re not a good girl, I won’t be feeding you anytime soon.I’ll tie you to this fucking bed and wring orgasm after orgasm out of you.”

Her giggle turned into a moan when I bit into her rapidly fluttering pulse.“I’m sorry, are you threatening me or making promises?”

“That damn smart mouth again.”Kissing the red mark I’d just caused, I lifted my head.“Don’t tempt me, or we will both starve because I’ll keep you in this room, fucking you blind.”

“Still unsure of the context here,” she teased, but there was a breathlessness to her voice that had me reaching under her shirt—my shirt.I’d put it on her after our bath, hiding temptation from me so I could take care of her other needs first.But she wasn’t wearing anything under the simple white T-shirt.

No bra.

No panties to cover her candy-apple-scented pussy that was already soaked for me.But before I could push my fingers into her drenched hole, there was a knock on the door.“Shit,” I hissed, grabbing the comforter to pull up over her bare legs right as the door began to open.

“Hope you’re decent,” Sariah called out.“Because I’m coming in.”

I knew she was bullshitting.She would never willingly risk walking into a room where I was even potentially naked unless she already knew.Considering I’d given a thumbs-up about her bringing us a tray, it had been a safe bet that I would at least have shorts on.But I needed to make sure my kitten was clothed, even if my shirt covered more of her than some of her dresses.

Brooke laughed as Sariah walked over to the bed carrying the tray that had two cereal bowls full of pasta, a basket with garlic bread, and a large dish of salad.Behind her, Bella carried two cans of Diet Coke.And behind her, Luck was grumbling with his arms crossed over his chest.

Seeing him, Brooke ducked her head but then opened her arms for Bella when she jumped up on the bed beside her.“I see someone has already had dessert,” she said with a grin, wiping a smear of chocolate icing from the corner of Bella’s mouth.

Bella’s dimple popped.“I saved you a big piece.Verona promised she would make lemon tortes next week.Just for you!”

“You’re too good to me.”

Worried brown eyes scanned Brooke’s face.“Are you feeling better now that Daddy’s home?”

Heat filled her face, but Brooke nodded.“So much better.”

“Good.”She turned a glare on me.“You can’t go away again without us, Daddy.”

“I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that I will not be going anywhere without Brooke ever again,” I vowed.

Brooke side-eyed me.“And I can promise you that I will not be going anywhere without Bella.”

“Yeah.”Bella nodded adamantly.“Where she goes, I go.We’re a package.Deal with it.”

Sariah made a sound.I shot her a look to find her eyes filled with tears, but she had a happy smile on her face.“Well, they told you,” she laughed.“I guess we need to figure out the whole outfit situation for the fight tomorrow night.”

I stiffened.“Not happening.”

“We don’t have a choice, Pax,” Luck said with a sigh.“This fight is important, and we have to be there.We’re cosponsoring it, man.”

“Then you go,” I bit out, glaring at my best friend.“Brooke doesn’t want to see grown men pounding on each other.Maybe you weren’t listening just now, but I’m not going anywhere without her.”

“Well, it isn’t something I’ve ever thought about watching, but now maybe I want to see that,” Brooke said with a smirk at Sariah, who winked at her.“It kind of sounds like fun.Muscled guys in little shorts, running around, wrestling.”

“Fuck,” Luck muttered, but a grin was teasing at his mouth.“Do not say that kind of shit in public, kid.”

Her eyes turned frosty when she looked at him.“Do not curse in front of Bella.”