“Shh, take it easy,” I soothed.“You still have plenty of time.Don’t rush.”
“Today sucks,” she groaned.“I’m so sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.Is Sariah close?”
“Let me speak to her, kitten.”There was a brief pause, and then Sariah’s voice was in my ear.“Riah, I’ll be home in a few hours.Can you stay with her?”
“Of course I’m going to stay with her,” she grumbled.“Even if you were here, I wouldn’t willingly leave her.”
“Keep her safe for me.I…” Words failed me.Fuck.In a matter of weeks, Brooke had become the center of my world.It was killing me to be away from her.
“Paxton,” Sariah said gently.“That’s what I’ve been doing since I met her.I knew she was perfect for you.For all of us.I promise, I won’t let anything happen to her.”
I was still tremblingby the time Henry got us to Bella’s school.My eyes were red and swollen from all the crying I’d done, and my throat felt raw from all my screaming.Bella was going to take one look at me and get upset.
“Here.”Sariah pulled a small case from her bag and handed it to me.“Put those on.It will hide your eyes until we get home.”
Extracting the sunglasses, I slid them onto my face and reached for the door, but Sariah stopped me.“Oh no, you don’t.Keep that behind right there.I’ll get Bella.”
Henry opened her door, and she climbed out, shooting me a worried frown over her shoulder as she walked toward the group waiting for the kindergartners to be released.The quiet inside the vehicle without Henry behind the wheel or Sariah beside me holding my hand made it feel suffocating.
Rolling down both back windows, I sucked in a few desperate breaths before the pressure in my chest eased.Henry leaned down to see me through the now-open window.
“What can I do?”
His face hadn’t changed, but his voice held an edge that melted my heart.He was worried about me.
“I’m okay now.”I tried to reassure him.He kept looking at me, and I found the energy to grin.“Really, I’m fine.But thank you for caring.”
After a few more moments of watching me closely, he nodded and straightened.
Hearing kids laugh and scream, I turned my attention to where the aides had released the children.Bella was taller than everyone in her class, boy or girl, and I spotted her almost immediately.She stood back, her head turning left and right frantically as she looked for me.
“Bella-Boo!”I heard Sariah call for her.
Bella ran over and she said something, but Sariah took her hand without answering, walking with her back to the SUV.Once Bella was close enough to see me through the open window, she dropped Sariah’s hand and sprinted toward me.
Henry opened the door in time for her to launch herself inside.“Are you okay?”She threw her arms around my neck, burying her face in my hair.“Why are you wearing Riah’s sunglasses?I don’t like it when you aren’t there to pick me up.Can you always do it from now on?”
Her hug eased some of my tremors.Stroking my hands up and down her back, I breathed in the comforting scents that reminded me of Bella.Her hair products.Sunshine from playing outside throughout the day.A hint of peanut butter from the sandwich she must have had at lunch.
“I wanted to pick you up today,” Sariah explained as she took her place on the other side of Bella.“Aren’t you happy to see me?”
Slowly, she released me to look at the other woman.“I’m always happy to see you, Riah.But I’m not stupid.Something is wrong with Brooke.”
“Why do you think that?”Sariah asked, glancing at me.
“Everyone is all tense,” she explained.“And Brooke always picks me up.Always.Even when her head hurts, she’s still there.Plus, she’s wearing your sunglasses.You won’t even let me wear them.”
I’d only been picking her up for the last two weeks, but she was certain that I would never forget about her.Which was true.With each passing day, I knew this was where I was meant to be.With Bella.Maybe with Paxton, too.
“Next time, even if Sariah wants to be the one to pick you up, I’ll come with her,” I promised Bella.