Page 31 of Finding Redemption

“Hello again,” Jannel greeted, her smile just as bright as it had been the day before.My alarm bells were blaring loudly in my head, and I instinctively tucked Bella behind me.“Brooke, wasn’t it?”

“Great memory,” I answered dryly.“Excuse us, we’re running late.”

“Oh, I’m sure Paxton won’t mind if we have a little chat,” she dismissed.“He wouldn’t notice if you were there or not anyway.If you’re not tall enough to be on his eye level, he forgets people are there.”

A burst of jealousy shot through me at how comfortable she was at dropping his name.From the confidence in her voice, she seemed to think she knew him well.How well?

She was older than me and beautiful in a way that made me feel like a little girl playing at being an adult.This was Paxton’s type, the kind of woman who was supposed to be on his arm at parties and his work events.My stomach cramped, not liking the idea of him with her or anyone else.But given Bella’s existence, I knew that was ridiculous.No doubt, there were a lot of women in his past, just as there would be many more in his future.

A dull throb started behind my right eye, and I swallowed my groan.Nope.I was not going to let a stupid migraine ruin Bella’s evening.A few over-the-counter tablets and a huge cup of coffee would be enough to get me through the rest of the day.

I hoped.

Giving Jannel a tight smile, I tried to ignore the pain slicing through my skull.“Since it’s my time and not his to give up for the chat, I’ll have to pass.”

Jannel’s smile disappeared.“You’re a very rude little girl.I suggest you drop the attitude and take a moment to have a conversation with me.You won’t like making an enemy out of me.”

“And I suggest you step aside,” I told her coolly, making sure to keep Bella behind me.It was cute how this woman thought she could scare me.But nothing she could do or say would ever come close to the nightmares my stepmother had personally made sure I endured while at the boarding school she had handpicked for me.“Or I’ll drop you on your backside.Right here in front of everyone, including the children.”

There was hesitation on her face, as if she wasn’t sure she believed me.I stepped closer, tilting my head back—ugh, why was everyone so tall?It felt like we were in a childish staredown, but I didn’t care.She was the one who thought she was entitled to even a moment of my time, trying to intimidate me, attempting to make a scene—to embarrass me or Bella?

Anger boiled in my blood at the thought of anyone wanting to hurt Bella in any way.Jannel might have been taller than me, but I’d learned to protect myself while living on the streets and in homeless shelters.I didn’t like fighting, but I would rip this woman apart in a heartbeat if she tried to harm my Bella-Boo.

She looked away first, taking a step back.I smirked and had to admit to myself that Paxton had rubbed off a little on me.Not that I would ever tell him that.

“I typically respect my elders.”From the way her nose flared, she very much did not like that little barb.“But only when respect is given in return.I guess no one taught you that when you were younger.”

“Brooke?”I was relieved to hear Henry’s voice so close, but I didn’t take my eyes off Jannel to glance his way.

Tightening my hold on Bella, I sidestepped Jannel.“Enjoy the rest of your day, ma’am.”

Bella snickered beside me, and I hastened to meet Henry, not wanting her to be rude to the woman, despite my own actions.The whole do as I say, not as I do rhetoric popped into my head, but I didn’t need to set a bad example.Bella was above that.

“Everything okay?”the bodyguard asked, looking over the top of my head, but when I glanced back, Jannel was already walking toward the line of waiting vehicles.

There was something hauntingly familiar about the other woman, though.I couldn’t put my finger on it.Ruling her out as Bella’s mom—someone Paxton, Sariah, and even Bella herself had never mentioned—was easy enough.Bella would have said something if Jannel was her mom.And the way Jannel had looked at Bella was anything but maternal.

It was malicious.



I grimaced as I looked up at Henry.“Can we stop at the pharmacy before we go to Bella’s martial arts class?I need to grab something.”

Concern darkened his brow, and he urged us toward the car.“Of course.Do you have a headache?What do you need?Boss said they can get bad.”

My heart clenched.Even from a state away, Paxton was taking care of me.

Bella’s face darkened with worry as she ran her gaze over me.“Your head hurts again?Will you need to go to the doctor?We can reschedule my class if you don’t feel well.”

“It’s just a little headache.I’ll be fine,” I assured her.There was no way I was letting my headache ruin her evening.

As we walked to the SUV, she kept watching me like she didn’t believe me, and I gave her a hug when we reached the car.“I promise I’m okay.This is nothing that a strong cup of coffee and a few Excedrin can’t fix.”

