Page 27 of Finding Redemption

Henry stoppedbehind another vehicle in the pickup line.After making sure I didn’t have any missed messages, I opened the door and stepped out, rolling my eyes at myself as I did.Of course Paxton hadn’t texted.Why would I expect him to take time out of his busy day to send me a random text, like he missed me or something.He might have called to tell me goodnight the previous evening as he said he would, but we’d barely talked for a minute before he’d abruptly hung up.

I’d thought he would want to chat a little longer, especially after that kiss, but obviously, I was delusional.

Even more so when I’d woken up this morning, half hoping he would send me a “Good morning, kitten,” text.But of course, that was absurd.We’d had a moment, but that was all.This wasn’t a fantasy.He was no prince, and I was not a real princess, no matter how many times I’d pretended to be one.I needed to focus on my new job and not the insane crush I had on my much older, incredibly hot boss.

As I walked toward where the kindergarten class would be released, a mixture of other nannies, mannies, and a few parents were already waiting.The first day I’d come to pick up Bella, I’d gotten a few curious looks, but once they realized who I was there for, I’d been quickly dismissed after hearing a couple of them muttering, “Oh, she’s Foster’s new nanny.I wonder how long this one will last?”

While the school went from kindergarten up to fifth grade, only the kindergarteners had to be picked up in person.Moving off to the side so I wasn’t in the way, I couldn’t help but sneak a peek at my phone one more time.Disappointment hit me all over again at the absence of a text, and I shoved the device deep into the pocket of my skirt.

Movement to my right caught my attention, and I took a step back when someone I didn’t recognize stepped closer to me.Her exotic perfume hit me before I could even see her face.Her shoes were designer, with the kind of heel that I knew I would break my neck in if I tried to wear them.Long, toned legs that she must have spent hours in the gym shaping.She wore a pantsuit that was tailored to her trim waist and impressive chest, hair that was cut in a chic bob at her chin, red lips that were spread into a brilliant white smile.She was gorgeous with her perfect mocha skin and the biggest brown eyes I’d ever seen, but there was a vibe coming off her that caused me to take another step back.

“Hi.”Her smile only got bigger when I didn’t return the greeting.“You’re new around here.”She offered her hand.“I’m Jannel.”

Not wanting to be rude, even though she was setting off all kinds of alarms inside me, I shook her hand.As soon as I could, I pulled away.“Brooke.”

Before she could say anything else, the doors to the kindergarten wing opened, and the aides led the children out.As soon as she spotted me, Bella broke away from the group and skipped over to me.“Brooke!I drew you a picture,” she announced, thrusting a piece of construction paper into my hands.“It’s you as a princess and me as Bella-Rey.I’m protecting you from the Sith Lord.”

Grinning, I took in all the details, loving that she’d overembellished my long blond hair and added little butterfly charms into the wild curls.“This is beautiful.Thank you!”I hugged her and then took her backpack from her.“How was your day?”

“Mostly boring,” she complained, placing her little hand in mine.“But… Oh.”She broke off when Jannel stepped in front of us, Bella’s eyes going wide when she saw the other woman.

I steered Bella around her.“Excuse us,” I said coolly and pointedly ignoring her as we walked to where Henry was already standing, waiting to open the back door of the SUV for us.“Boring, huh?Is that why you turned into Frida Kahlo on me?”

Her brow scrunched up in confusion.“Frida who?”

“Kahlo.She’s a famous artist.”I swung our joined hands back and forth, making her giggle.“You’re not getting this picture back.I’m now the proud owner of an original Bella Foster.”I gasped.“That sounds so cool, doesn’t it?You have such an awesome name.”

“You think I’m a good artist?”she asked skeptically.

“I think you’re great at everything you try your best at,” I told her honestly.“Like fighting Sith Lords to protect innocent princesses.”

Henry helped Bella into the back seat and then stepped back to let me climb in.I thanked him as he shut the door and then double-checked to make sure Bella had her seat belt on correctly.By the time my own belt was fastened, Henry had pulled into traffic.He was a nice enough guy, quiet and professional.Not to mention intimidating, with the constant scowl on his stoic face and his three-piece suits.It was obvious he was more than just a driver.His sheer size screamed bodyguard, but I tried not to overthink that.At least Paxton took Bella’s safety seriously.

“Can we stop for a snack?”she asked not two minutes into the drive.

“We have snacks at home.”Her huff made me have to fight hard to hide my smile, but I didn’t relent.“I’ll make you something small before you start on homework.”

“No one else ever made me do homework,” she grumbled, but no sooner had the words left her than she tensed up, her face filling with regret.“I mean…all the other nannies didn’t, but… It’s okay that you make me do homework.I guess.I don’t mind doing it.If it means you will stay, I’ll even do extra homework.”

Heart clenching, I grasped her hand and gave it a little squeeze.“I know what you meant, precious.”

Her chin wobbled.“I really want you to stay, Brooke.It didn’t really matter to me that the others didn’t stick around.I kind of knew they wouldn’t.Daddy didn’t like them very much, and Riah hated all of them.But we all like you.I don’t want you to leave.”

“Want to know a secret?”Lips trembling, she still nodded, and I lowered my voice.“I don’t want to leave either.You’re my very best friend.”

Hope filled those brown eyes I loved so much.I didn’t know which was my favorite, her brown or her father’s hazel—or the moss color his sometimes turned.It was definitely a three-way tie.

“Does that mean you’ll stay?”

“I’m going to try really hard.”

Her shoulders drooped.“That’s not a yes.”

“You’re right,” I agreed.“But it’s not a no either.We don’t know what the future holds.I don’t want to make promises I can’t keep.That isn’t fair to you.But I will do my very best to be what you need, Bella.”

Biting her bottom lip, she considered my answer for a moment before sighing.“Okay.”

Stroking a hand over her hair, I gave her an encouraging smile.“Friends?”