Fighting a yawn, I walked into Bella’s room to get her ready for the day.As expected, the container of fruit I’d prepared for her the night before was on the nightstand beside her, along with an empty smoothie bottle.Grabbing both, I got my precious charge up and motivated her to get dressed for school.
Bella was considerably more rested and in a much better mood than I was as she pulled on her uniform and then sat down at her vanity so I could braid her hair.As soon as the last charm was in place, she grabbed her backpack and skipped out of the room, leaving me to follow at a slower pace.
Between the almost-kiss and the dreams, I was not looking forward to facing Paxton.I almost wished he had decided to leave early for the airport, but I quickly chastised myself for being selfish.Bella looked forward to her mornings with her father before school.It was her favorite part of the day because it was the only guaranteed time she had with him.With him going out of town for work for several days, they would both miss out on that ritual.
“Daddy, I want to take karate classes!”Bella announced without preamble as she took her usual spot at the dining room table.
Paxton laughed at her enthusiasm.“That’s random, Bella-Boo.But I’m learning that you’re full of surprises lately.”He shifted his gaze to me as I crossed to the table, and I watched the amusement in those hazel depths darken in a way that made my already-aching body pulse.“I know someone who runs a martial arts studio.I’ll call him, figure out a good time for her to watch one of the beginner classes to see if she will like it before we commit to classes.Sound good to you?”
“I’ll add it to our itinerary,” I murmured as I took my seat and poured myself a cup of coffee.
Bella smeared jam over her toast and took a loud bite.“If I’m going to be a real Jedi, I need skills, Daddy.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, please.”I filled her glass with orange juice before adding fruit to her plate.
She chewed and swallowed before speaking again.“Do you really have to go to Las Vegas, Daddy?”
“Unfortunately,” he grumbled before giving her a grim smile.“I’ll be back Sunday night.”
“Why so long?”she complained, stabbing at a raspberry with her fork, her bottom lip pouted out.She was so dang cute.Even when she was being stubborn, I couldn’t help thinking she was adorable.I tried to be firm with her about it, but she melted my heart too much for me to be able to stay stern for long.
“Fuck if I know.”I shot him a glare at his curse, and he raised a brow.This wasn’t the first time I’d had an issue with his using strong language in front of Bella.“She asked a question, and I was being honest.”
“Try answering without the curse words next time,” I advised with a roll of my eyes.
“Can’t make any promises.She knows what words are for grown-ups only.Right Bella-Boo?”
“Yup!I’m not a baby, Brooke.”
He smirked, and I was tempted to stick my tongue out at him.Ugh, what was it about him and his daughter?They both pulled at something deep inside me that wanted to grab them both and never let go.Not just my heart, but in my soul.
“Can’t Uncle Luck go instead?”Bella asked sullenly.
I picked up my coffee, trying to hide my flinch at the mention of my uncle, but Paxton was looking right at me.Seeing my reaction, he clenched his jaw.“Uncle Luck is going with me, sweetheart.There’s a fight Saturday night, or I would be home earlier.”
“But why do you have to be there?”she demanded, pushing her plate away angrily, causing her fork to clatter on the table.“It’s not fair.I don’t want you to go.Stay home with me and Brooke.”
“Trust me, I’d much rather be home with the two of you.”
“Then stay!”she cried.“You’re an adult.You can do whatever you want.”
Paxton said something savage under his breath that I couldn’t hear while Bella stared him down, daring him to argue with her.Setting my mug on the table, I turned in my chair and took both of her hands gently.“I know it seems like grown-ups get to do what they please whenever they want, but that isn’t reality, Bella.Daddy doesn’twantto go, but hehasto because it’s his job.If he could stay home with you, he would.”
Angry tears spilled out of her brown eyes.“Having a job is stupid.Being a grown-up is stupid too.”
“She’s not wrong,” Paxton agreed with a hint of a smile.Pushing back his chair, he stood, lifting Bella into a tight hug.
She wrapped her arms around his neck, her little shoulders shaking as she sobbed into his chest.My heart broke at the gut-wrenching sounds that left her, and from the grief on Paxton’s face, I knew he was feeling something similar.He looked imploringly at me, seeking help, but I had none to offer.
“Don’t cry, Bella-Boo,” he pleaded raggedly.“We’re going to talk every night before you go to bed.”
“V-video c-c-call?”She sniffled, her sobs turning into hiccups.
“Every night,” he promised.
“U-Uncle Luck too?”She wiped her nose on his shirt and lifted her head, hope mixing in with her tears.
“Of course Uncle Luck too.”He scoffed as if she’d said something ridiculous.“He lives for video calls with his favorite little Jedi.”She dropped her head back onto his shoulder, but the faintest hint of a smile was teasing at her lips, causing her dimple to pop slightly.Paxton kissed her brow.“Don’t be sad.It’s hard enough having to leave you and Brooke as it is.”