“They gave you two rounds of fluids while you were resting,” he provided, capturing my fingers to stop me from fidgeting with the medical tape.Turning my hand over in his much larger one, he threaded our fingers together for a moment before helping me to my feet.
“Is this your polite way of telling me I stink?”I teased, not sure if I was trying to distract him or myself.I liked the way he held my hand way too much for my peace of mind.
His grin was so freaking beautiful, my breath stuttered out of me.There should definitely be a warning label on this man’s forehead.But I doubted even that would distract from his masculine beauty.
“No, Brooke.You definitely don’t stink.I took a washcloth to the stomach acid in your hair.”
Embarrassment heated my skin, and I cringed inwardly.But at the same time, my stomach got a butterflies-flapping-in-my-belly sensation.It was the kind of feeling I’d heard other girls talking about at school before I was sent to St.Andrew’s.
What is going on here?
Am I crushing on Paxton Foster?
No.No, no, no.
I don’t like this.At.All.
I promised myself that I would never let a man take over my life.Ever.Just because Paxton had taken care of me for a few hours didn’t mean I should lose my mind completely and fall for him.
Crap.I’d gone from “crush” to “fall for” in less than a second.I needed to get as far away from this man as possible.
Paxton didn’t realize I was having a mini mental breakdown.“Riah says you’re so particular about your hair that she insisted on packing your shampoo and conditioner, as well as all the other products you use.”
Right.Focus on washing my hair and not how my heart was thumping against my chest at his nearness.Or how good he smelled, cedar and citrus.Ugh.Why was that such an intoxicating combination?I felt an overwhelming urge to lick him to determine whether he tasted as good as he smelled, but I fought it down.
I didn’t have any suitcases, but one of Sariah’s overnight bags was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed.Paxton bent to retrieve it, but when I tried to take it from him, he shook his head.“I’ll carry it for you.”
Trying not to gulp, I entered the tiny bathroom.It held a toilet, a sink, and a shower.After setting the bag on the sink, he left, but only to retrieve several towels and a washcloth for me.“You have so much hair, I didn’t think one would be enough.”
My smile felt brittle.“Thank you.Again.”When he just stood there, I shoved at his arm, desperate to get him out of the small, confined space.Holy macaroni.He was solid muscle.Hard.Tight.My fingers clenched on his bicep, and I realized I was basically clawing at him.My mind might have been screaming “Danger, danger, danger!”but my body was trying to get closer.
“Out,” I growled, more as a reminder to myself than him.“I can take it from here.”
Paxton’s sigh told me how reluctant he was, causing my stomach to start fluttering again.“Leave the door cracked.You’re still a little unsteady.”
“I’m fine.”I pushed him until he was out the door, although I knew he wouldn’t have moved an inch if he didn’t want to.There was no way I was going to be able to shower with the door slightly ajar.Closing it behind him, I flipped the lock.You didn’t live in homeless shelters for years and not need the safety of a locked bathroom door.
It was latewhen my driver pulled up in front of the ER entrance.He stepped out, but I waved him off, opening the back door for Brooke myself.With her damp hair braided and pulled over one shoulder, dressed in a pair of sweats and a hoodie, she was just as beautiful as she had been the day before when she’d been a princess.
Even pale, with dark circles under her emerald eyes, she appeared to sparkle under the harsh lights coming from the hospital.
“Thank you,” she murmured as she slid in.
Once she was settled, I placed her bag in the trunk and then joined her.Seat belt on, she sat with her hands folded in her lap, one finger toying with the bandage over the small wound left at her IV site.
“Was Riah with you when I called?”she asked after we were on the road.“Not that I’m unappreciative of your help.I am very thankful for everything you’ve done for me.But I’m just confused why you…rescued me.”
“You called me, not Riah.”
That had her head lifting, confusion filling those pretty eyes.“No, I called Riah.”
“You thought you did, but it was me.”I knew she’d thought it was Sariah when I’d picked up.I’d barely understood her, but I’d gotten the gist of it.She was in pain.All alone.I had already been on my feet, already jogging through the house when I heard her being sick.I’d kept the connection open the entire nerve-racking drive to the apartment, up until I kicked in her bedroom door.
“I thought she was home.”