Page 45 of Irresistible Love

They sat in companionable silence for several long moments and she kind of felt like things had gotten way too deep and depressing. She wanted that fun and lightness back that they shared while making sandwiches after making love for hours.

“What’s your favorite song?” she asked and smiled when Noah chuckled.

“Nice change of subject,” he said. “And for the record, I’m going to have to say something by my brother.”

“No! Simon’s music doesn’t count!” she laughed.

“Oh, believe me, it does! I swear he knows whenever I say any song other than one of his!”

“Fine, then what’s your favorite Simon Bennett song?”

“Still of the Night,” he said without hesitation. “It’s a power ballad off his first album and I can honestly say it was the first time that I was blown away by his talent. I always knew he could sing, but I had no idea how freaking amazing he was.”

“Aww…I love that!” She paused. “I think my favorite Simon Bennett song isJust Like That. There’s a totally sexy vibe and I love dancing to it.”

He frowned. “I’m not sure how I feel about that statement.”

Laughing softly, Lily cupped his stubbled jaw and kissed him. “I said thesonghad a sexy vibe, not your brother. Big difference.”

“If you say so…”

It was kind of adorable that he was pouting.

“How about we go back inside and I prove to you that you’re the only one I find sexy? Will that help?”

He shrugged and sighed dramatically. “I guess it couldn’t hurt…”

They both laughed and Lily wrapped her arms around him. “There’s my big, brave man. Now let’s make the most out of this night because I know you’re going to need some sleep.”

Noah stood with her in his arms and strode toward the bedroom. “Sleep is highly overrated.”

* * *

The next day, Noah was thoroughly exhausted and yet somehow energized. He made it to work on time and handled a few mini crises before ten a.m. and even managed to land a new client for himself. When he went to get himself a cup of coffee, he spotted Sara and assured her that Lily wouldn’t be showing up unannounced today to interrogate her.

“I know I sounded paranoid last night,” she said, “but I really hated the idea of lying to her.”

“No worries. I talked to her and you’re good.”

She studied him for a moment. “I noticed the two of you hanging out a time or two, but…is there more to this relationship?”

And only because it was Sara did he feel like he could answer honestly. “I really wish there was, but…you know that Lucas already doesn’t particularly like me.”

“Oh, right…the New Year’s Eve kiss thing. Boy, he can hold a grudge, huh?” she said with amusement.

Noah wasn’t nearly as amused. “As much as I’d like to see where a relationship with Lily could go, there’s just way too many complications.”

“Well, that’s just sad. Maybe you should just talk to Lucas when he gets back. He might respect you more if you finally ask to sit down with him and tell him how you feel about his daughter.”

“I don’t know. Maybe.” He sighed. “Any word from William today?”

She shook her head. “He said he’d call me after lunch, so…we’ll see.”

They both went back to work after that, and Noah kept busy until lunchtime. Lily’s doctor’s appointment was at eleven and he wondered if it was over already or if she was still there. Rather than wonder, he simply pulled out his phone and tapped out a text to her.

Noah: Hey! Just checking on you and seeing how the doctor’s appointment went.

He put his phone down because he had no idea if she would respond right away or not, and then he wondered if he should just go to lunch or wait and see if she wanted to meet him somewhere.