Page 11 of Irresistible Love

“Are you just going to stand out there all night? The food’s getting cold,” Lily said, casually leaning in the front doorway.


Gently clearing his throat, Noah made his way to the door, hoping he looked completely at ease, even though the sight of her momentarily took his breath away. It didn’t matter that she was dressed super casually with no makeup on and her hair in a messy bun, she still looked ridiculously tempting.

I’m in trouble…

When he got to the doorway, he smiled. “Sorry. I was just mentally making sure I hadn’t forgotten anything.” He stepped inside and waited while she closed the door. As they walked toward the kitchen, he asked, “So, have you had time to get settled in yet?”

“Not yet. I was planning on just going up to the room I’ve always stayed in, but my grandfather offered me the guesthouse to use since I’ll be here for a month, so I’m torn.”

“A month?”

She nodded. “This wasn’t a planned thing, and I had no idea my folks were going to be away or that our house was under major renovations. So…here I am.”

“Wow. Even I knew about the renovations,” he said with mild amusement. “Your mother must have come to the office with paint and tile samples several times a week for the last month. How could you not know?”

Frowning, she snapped, “I’ve been busy, okay?”

By then they were in the kitchen and William was standing by the table, looking at them expectantly. “Everything alright?”

Lily nodded and practically floated over to her grandfather. “Absolutely. I’m just glad Noah’s here so we can eat! I’m starving!”

Good save, he thought.

“Sorry I was late,” he apologized. “Traffic was its usual brutal self.”

“No worries,” William said as he sat. “Take a seat and no business talk until after we’re done.”

For a few minutes, everyone was busy making their plates, pouring drinks, and simply talking about how good all the food looked and smelled. It wasn’t until they had each eaten several bites that any real conversation started.

“Before you arrived, Lily and I were discussing her staying in the guesthouse rather than here in the main house,” William began before looking across the table at his granddaughter. “I thought you’d appreciate the privacy.”

“Grandpa, this house is huge, and it’s just the two of us. I don’t think privacy is really going to be an issue,” she replied with amusement. “Your bedroom and everything you need is down here, and the room I always stay in is upstairs, along with everything I need. We’ll just be enjoying some of our meals together and maybe a movie or a game or something after dinner each night. It will be fun!”

William didn’t respond other than a nod, and Noah watched as Lily’s expression fell slightly. He’d spent enough time around the Montgomerys to know this seemed a little odd. From everything he had observed about their family, they all enjoyed spending time together. Knowing that Mrs. Montgomery was out of town and William was here by himself, Noah would have figured he’d be thrilled to have Lily in the house with him.

Then again, maybe this was a private family issue and none of my damn business.

“Where’ve you been living, Lily?” he asked in an attempt to change the subject a little. “Are you in between dancing gigs?”

“I was down in Miami for a while, and before that, New York City. I had a minor injury that I was letting heal and that took me out of prepping for a spot on the Miami dance squad.” She let out a small sigh. “I figured I’d come home to regroup and finish recuperating.”

“I thought the injury was minor,” William commented, his voice laced with concern. “Have you gone for a second opinion?”

“Um…that was part of my plan while I was home. I was hoping my dad could recommend someone…”

“I know all the doctors that treated your father and can easily give you their names and get an appointment for you. I’ll make some calls tomorrow.”

“Thanks,” she murmured before looking at Noah. “So? What about you? Obviously, you’re still with Montgomerys, but anything new and exciting going on?”

“Not particularly,” he replied and realized how lame that sounded.

Mainly because it was true.

“I thought I read somewhere that your brother was coming to Charlotte as part of his tour,” she went on. “I take it you’re going.”

“Absolutely! It’s not until the end of next month, but Simon and I already made plans to hang out even though he’s only here for the one night.”