Page 60 of Irresistible Love

“O-kay… so yeah. We were finishing our lunch when Lily spotted you and Wendy standing on the corner and she thought you saw her.”

William laughed again. “I thought I did too, but then figured I was seeing things! Oh, this is entertaining!”

“Yeah, well…I freaked out when I thought you saw me and Noah pulled me into his lap and…I kissed him.”

Now William was laughing and smiling like he’d just won the lottery. “You kissed him again? Oh, sweet girl, you cannot tell me it was an accident or for the sake of hiding from me. You don’t do that sort of thing twice unless you really want to.”

Noah cleared his throat. “Um…actually,Ikissedher,” he murmured. “I’m sorry if that betrays your trust, but…”

“Oh my God,” Lily groaned. “Why would you even say that? I was willing to take the blame again!”

“Because it’s not right!” Noah countered before looking at his boss again. “Look, we don’t really know what we’re doing because Lucas has been gunning for me ever since Asheville. On top of that, Lily’s still undecided about what she’s doing with her career and might not even stay here!”

“Hey! I never said that!”

“Are you saying you want to stay in Charlotte and give up all your dreams of dancing or cheering or whatever else it is on your dance bucket list?” he challenged.


“Okay, okay,” William said in a bit of an authoritative tone. “We’re getting a bit off track here.” First, he turned to Noah. “Yes, Lucas has held a grudge, but I can safely say that he does that with anyone who even looks at his daughters. It’s not personal. If the two of you are serious about each other, I’m sure he’d be fine.”

And while this should have been great news, Lily’s thoughts kept going back to what Noah said—was she ready to give up her career and settle down back here in Charlotte? Sure, they’d get to be together and that would be awesome, but dance was her life. Was she admitting defeat by opting to stay here? And what if she had the surgery and it was successful? Would she resent him if she stayed?

Noah looked ready to speak, but she beat him to it.

“Look, I appreciate your optimistic attitude, Grandpa, but this is all very new, and Noah and I haven’t really talked about the future. We were kind of going to just test the waters while Dad’s away because it was safer that way. The last thing I want is to do anything to jeopardize his position at work.”

“That will never happen,” William said firmly. “I won’t allow it.”

Again, Noah looked like he had something to say, but Lily cut him off.

“I know you like to think that way, but even you have to admit that Dad’s been a bit of a jerk to Noah. I mean…that whole kiss thing was three years ago and he’s still carrying on about it!”

“I wouldn’t say carrying on,” William corrected.

“But he’s also made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t like me,” Noah finally said. “The only reason he let me handle some of his clients while he’s gone is because Mac and Jason recommended me. I’m not stupid enough to think he’s just suddenly had a change of heart and I’m really not looking for any more hostility from him.”

It was crazy how devastated she felt. How that one crazy, impulsive action had caused Noah so much grief, and how he was even willing to be around her was almost beyond her comprehension. She had no idea her father was behaving badly and planned to talk to him sternly after his vacation.

Even if she and Noah decided not to pursue a relationship.

It was the only fair thing to do.

Unfortunately, now that the cat was out of the bag, she knew her grandfather was going to be rooting for them.

Especially if she stayed in Charlotte for any amount of time.

“You leave Lucas to me,” her grandfather was saying. “This is still my company, my family, and my rules. I believe in you and so does every other person who works for me. If my son challenges me on this, he’ll lose. Your position is safe, no matter what goes on between you and Lily.” Then he paused and smiled. “But can I just say how much this pleases me? The two of you? It does my heart good just thinking of the two of you together. I knew it since Asheville and have been dreaming of this day.”

Lily groaned loudly. “Grandpa…stop! Please! You’re making this super weird.”

“Alright, alright,” he said after a moment. “I just wanted you both to know where I stand and that I’m on your side.”

Both she and Noah nodded before she asked, “Now can we please just eat and talk about something else?”

“Absolutely!” he agreed before making up his lunch plate. “So tell me, Noah, how’s your family doing? Any plans to see them?”

“Actually, my brother Jax is coming for a quick visit. He’s flying in tomorrow night and leaving Tuesday morning,” he explained. “It’s not ideal, but…”