Page 82 of The Devil's Saint

“Why have you called Jim over?”

“I’m going to get that bastard to sign everything over to me first. Then…we kill him.”

Chapter Thirty-Five

Jim’skneebouncesrepeatedly,getting on my damn nerves. He scans the paperwork once more, hands twitching with nervousness.

“Are you sure this is what you want to do, Saint? Going up against your father will be no easy feat. You know he will kill us all if he ever finds out.”

“You don’t need to worry about Eric. He’s never going to see the outside of those prison walls again. Your job for today is to follow my instructions, and everything will work out as planned.”

He swallows hard, scooping the signed documents from the desk, places them into his briefcase, and then stands.

“This is for full transfer of ownership. You are sure this will work?” he asks, trying to second guess me.

This fucker needs to remember the name he works for. Garo.

I ball my hands into fists. “Are you questioning me?”

“No, sir,” he squirms, swallowing hard. “Not at all. There is a lot at stake here, Saint. My life and the lives of my family could be on the line if he finds out we lied to him.”

“Your life is already on the line if you don’t do what I fucking say,” I spit, eyes lit with fury at his questioning.

“Tell him the witness was relocated for their safety, and their current whereabouts are unknown. Feed him some bullshit that you received intel from a mole in the FBI that’s close to finding them again. That will give him hope that this is all just temporary. Tell him you got a call from someone on the inside telling you that a search warrant has been issued for the house and all his business properties. Mention that the FBI has issued a court order for a conviction-based confiscation because they believe they have the standard of proof required beyond all reasonable doubt to achieve a criminal conviction. Make him believe that everything will be seized. Every asset he owns. The house, the cars, the clubs. Everything. No money, no bail. Your solution will be for him to sign everything over to me temporarily, with immediate effect. Understood?”

Jim gives me a solemn nod.

“You swear my family won’t be harmed if this goes south?”

I shake my head. “Not a hair on their head. You work for me now. Remember that when you’re on the phone with him. Convince him to agree to sign everything over to me. Tell Eric you’ll give me the paperwork for him to sign when I visit him.

“Got it.”

“You won’t be seeing or speaking to Eric again after today. From now on, you deal directly with either me or Caleb.”

“Okay.” He takes a deep breath. “I understand, Saint.”

He sits back down on the chair, and I pick up his phone from the desk.

“Make the call.”

Chapter Thirty-Six

MyfatherbelievedMarcuswould have had no influence within the prison walls without his crew behind him. He was wrong.

I didn’t need to wait long for an unknown number to call my phone after Jim slipped my number along with a message to a paid-off guard to give to Marcus.

When the son of Eric Garo says he has information relating to the night you were charged with murder, well, let’s just say when you’re doing twenty years inside for a crime you didn’t commit, curiosity might get the better of you. And that’s exactly what happened.

The mechanically controlled gate of the prison buzzes loudly, granting Caleb and I entrance to the private courtyard.

I glance at the camera swiftly and ensure the red light is off before stepping past the gate and tucking the paperwork into my side.

The bribed guards turn their backs, keeping out of our way. This is the only place that would give us the cover to do what needed to be done.

It’s then that it dawns on me that this is the last time I will see my father. Maybe I should feel something other than hatred, but I don’t. When it comes to Eric Garo, any other feelings I might have had for my father left me a very long time ago.

What happens today isn’t going to bring tears or words filled with sadness.