Page 75 of The Devil's Saint

Sitting back for a second, I think of what to do.

I learned how to kill a man using every tool at my disposal. Learned to get in and out of rooms undetected. Why the hell didn’t I learn how to pick a lock?

I leave the room searching for a screwdriver, hammer, or anything to open this thing, returning minutes later with what I need in hand. My hand runs along the cold wooden surface. This piece must have cost thousands of dollars. It’s a shame to destroy it, but my curiosity has gotten the better of me. I’m getting this thing open one way or another, even if it means smashing the entire table until it’s reduced to nothing but blocks for firewood.

I get to work, twisting my back, sweat coating my brow as I fight to free the lock from its confines. The teak wood is strong, but I persevere until I hear the wood snap.


The drawer opens, and my heart beats furiously when I fish out the contents. Inside a large envelope are three video tapes and a selection of photographs.

I look at them one by one, my chest tightening.


I sit back in shock, my body vibrating with scorching hot rage, then quickly snap into action, hitting the dial button for Caleb’s number, hoping I’m not too late. He answers on the first ring.

“The feds have him hauled up in the safe house. There’s three armed men with him inside and a surveillance van parked outside, but I can still get it done.”

“Stand down,” I command, punctuating each word.

“Stand down? What the fuck are you talking about? Saint, we can take this guy out tonight.”

“No. We need to keep the witness alive.” I tell him urgently.

My muscles are so tense that my body is aching when I fire off the list of explicit instructions to Caleb. I walk out of my grandfather’s office and tell Chains we’re leaving.

Hopefully, the shots at the windows will give the feds enough to suspect this was an attack in an attempt to get to the witness and get him as far away from here as possible until my father’s trial.

Not that he’ll be alive long enough to see it.

Chapter Thirty-Three

“Afternoon,sleepyhead.”Mymom greets me in the hall with a soft kiss on my cheek.

“Something smells good,” I answer, walking into the kitchen.

“Hmm. Mrs. Watson is making some fancy new chicken dish for tonight.”

The smell is so enticing that I wish it was dinner time already.

“What are your plans for today?”

I have something planned, but if she found out, she’d flip.

“Not much. Colton’s coming over later,” I answered coyly. “We’ll probably just watch a movie and chill out or take a dip in the pool,” I shrug.

“He’s been around here a lot lately. Something going on between you two that I need to know about?” she asks with a sly smile.

She likes Colton, I can tell, but she couldn’t be farther away from the truth. We’re just friends, and that’s all we’ll ever be.

“C’mon, mom. Can’t I have male friends without people thinking there’s more to it?”

“Fair enough,” she says, following it with another kiss.

“How’s the swimming lessons coming on? Saint was teaching you for a while, wasn’t he?”

Saint spent more time inside me in the pool than actually teaching me how to swim, which suited us both at the time. It was his twisted form of therapy, arguing that if he put his dick inside me, it would keep my mind off drowning. That I could drown in him instead. It worked too. The deeper I allowed him to go in the water with me in his arms, the harder he fucked me as a reward.