Page 67 of The Devil's Saint

Message received from Saint: Lol. I knew she was thinking about me.

Colton barks out a laugh. “I bet you his dicks twitching as we speak. It’s his spidey sense.”

I’ll make it twitch with my knee.

I pull my phone from my pocket.

Stalker much?

SAINT: So you are thinking of me?

In your dreams, asswipe!

SAINT: Every night, Angel. Especially the part where you do that little thing with your tongue on my dick.

You can keep that memory because that’s all I’ll ever be when it comes to sex with you. A memory!

SAINT: Not the time to get me mad, Angel.

Then STOP stalking me!

SAINT: My girl sounds a little pent-up. Frustrated maybe? I thought I fucked you good and proper the other night. Not to worry, Angel, I’ll relieve that stress with my dick as soon as I get home.

I can relieve my own stress, thank you very much!

SAINT: Not without this, you won’t.

Another message comes through. This time, it’s a picture—a picture of my vibrator in the palm of his hand.

You mother fucker.

SAINT: I can still smell you on it.

You’re sick in the head.

SAINT: I can’t wait to show you just how sick I can be.

SAINT: Gotta go. Do what Colton says, and maybe I’ll reward you with another orgasm when I get home.

I snarl, pocketing my phone. God, he’s such a dick!

Taking my car keys is one thing, but my vibrator is sacred to me. A necessity I can’t live without. Not that the orgasms even come close to Saint’s dick but still.

“I’ve changed my mind,” I tell Colton smugly.


A smirk lights up my face. “Shopping. Let’s go spend some of Saint’s money.”

Chapter Thirty

Coltonclearshisthroat,his hands full of my Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Gucci bags.

“Hmm, you sure this is the shop you wanna go to? I saw some more nice clothing stores up that way.”

“I’m sure,” I smirk. “Wait here. I won’t be long.”

Fifteen minutes later, I emerged from the shop with another bag in my hand.