Page 63 of The Devil's Saint

“I appreciate that, thank you,” I tell her sincerely.

Mrs. Garo was so lucky to have found Mrs. Watson. She really is one in a million and can make everything feel better just by talking to her.

After Mrs. Watson leaves, I pull open my dresser drawer, removing Julia’s card with the number on the back for the therapist she recommended. She’s local, so hopefully, I’ll be able to get an appointment quickly.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“Haveyouseenmycar keys?”

My mom lifts the coffee cup to her lips, taking a sip while looking at something on her phone.

“I can’t find them anywhere.”

She swallows, taking her eyes off the screen to look at me. “I haven’t seen them. Where did you last have them?”

Dammit. Where the heck are they? God, I hope I didn’t lose them on the beach.

“After school. I thought I left them on my dresser, but when I went to get them this morning, they weren’t there.”

“Did you ask Mrs. Watson?”

“Yeah. She hasn’t seen them either.”

I search the counters and then check the cabinet drawers with no luck. I’ve searched everywhere. Shit!

Then a thought occurs.

“Do you think Eric might have a spare key lying around somewhere?”

“I’m not sure, sweetie. He didn’t say.”

I could ask to borrow one of the other cars, but I’m not in the mood for a lecture from Saint, so I opted for the bus instead.

Lifting my bag, I hike it over my shoulder and get ready to leave.

“Morning.” A deep male voice calls out, interrupting what my mom was about to tell me.

My mom beams a warm smile over my shoulder. “Oh, good morning, Colton. I didn’t hear you come in,” she greets. “Saints not here if you’re looking for him.”

My ears prick up.Saints not here? Where is he?

Colton struts in like he owns the place, then jumps up to sit on top of the counter. If I did that, my mom would never let me hear the end of it.

“Oh yeah. No, I know. I spoke with him this morning before he left. He asked me to stop by this morning and give Lexy a ride to school.” Colton’s eyes flick to mine. “He knew you’d lost your keys and didn’t want you to take the bus. I texted you to tell you I was coming but you didn’t reply.”

So that’s why he was texting me this morning.What game is he playing?I didn’t say anything to Saint about losing my keys.

“That’s very thoughtful of him,” my mom praises, and it takes everything in me not to snarl.

Colton gives me a knowing smile, then hops back onto his feet. “Ready to go?”

“Okay. I guess I’m going with you then,” I answer skeptically.

Shrugging on my coat, I say my goodbyes to my mom and Mrs. Watson and then leave, begrudgingly hopping into Colton’s black BMW and demanding to know what the hell is happening and the whereabouts of my car keys.

“I asked you a question, Colton.”

“You’ll get your car keys back when Saint gets home. In the meantime, you get to spend the day with me because of that little stunt you pulled last night.”