Page 119 of The Devil's Saint

He shakes his head with a somber expression.

Damn you, Marcus, and this entire stupid fucking plan. Lexy should have been the one I was marrying today, not Jordin. The annulment better be quick if I’m ever going to get her forgiveness. Not that it makes what’s happening right now any better.

Caleb quickly stands next to us, taking his place by my side. I have to wipe red lipstick off his mouth before anyone matches the color to my fiancées.

“Don’t need to ask where you were.”

“Hey, is that violinist guy playing the tune to Fuck You by that British singer, Lily Allen?” Colton whispers.

“Huh?” Caleb says, stumped.

“Yeah, it is. Listen to it. I remember it from that movie with Sam Griffin,” Colton answers.

“Of course you do,” Caleb replies, rolling his eyes.

“What? The man’s fucking hot, and the songs catchy, okay.”

A smile lights up my face. “No, he’s right. It is that song. And it’s fucking perfect.”

“That’s my girl,” Caleb says proudly as the bridesmaids make their way into the room, one foot after the other carrying large bouquets of flowers in their hands.

“Oh fuck, I’m supposed to be walking down the aisle with Lexy,” Colton remarks, about to take off to join her.

“Like fuck you are,” I snap, pinning him in place with my heated stare. “The only person walking her down the aisle is gonna be me, you got it?”

“Fine. Just don’t blame me when she gives you shit for it later.”

“Look at where we are. I’m getting shit regardless.”

The priest behind us clears his throat and then takes his place, commanding us to be quiet.

I know it’s customary to turn to look at the bride, but I don’t. All I want to do is look at my girl in her gorgeous blue gown and smell the sweet peony scent of her perfume. The internal battle waged between the impulse to look over and the dire consequences it would unleash.

The fear of losing control grips me, knowing that one glance could shatter the delicate equilibrium and crack the veneer of composure. And so, I remain steadfast, my gaze affixed to the altar, my jaw clenched against the storm of emotions within, saying a silent prayer to my mom and Jackson to help me get through this.

Chapter Fifty-Seven

“Dearlybeloved.Wearegathered here today to join together Saint and Jordina.” The priest’s voice echoed through the hallowed halls, each word chiseling away at my resolve.

Opening prayers followed, and my composure began to waver as the priest continued. My eyes involuntarily sought out my girl, who steadfastly refused to meet my gaze. Her bottom lip quivers, and her blue eyes shimmer with unshed tears. God, she is so beautiful in the blue gown that matched the color of her glistening eyes. I want to confess all my sins right here, swear to her and to God that I’d spend every day making amends if only she’d forgive me.

The priest turns to the congregation. “If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Silence hangs thick in the air, each moment amplifying the tension as several Mississippi's pass.

“Excellent. You can all breathe normally again,” the priest jokes, and the church echoes with laughter. I fight the urge to drag him into the confessional box to punch him in the nuts. Not like he needs them.

The ceremony continues, and the priest addresses Jordin directly.

“Jordina, do you take this man to be your husband. To live together in holy matrimony. To love him, to honor him…”

“No.” Jordin’s voice, barely a whisper, cut through the air, sending shock-waves through the church. Gasps and murmurs erupt as she lifts her veil, tears streaking her cheeks, and turns to face Caleb. “I can’t do this anymore. I’m sorry. I just…I can’t.”

“Jordin,” I start, but the priest interjects, concern etched across his face.

“Is everything alright, my child?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore, Father. I can’t marry Saint.”