Page 115 of The Devil's Saint

“Then what?”

He removes his hand from my eyes. “Open.”

I open my eyes, covering my quivering mouth in shock, almost dropping to my knees, tears falling at the sight before me.

“Oh my god!”

“I know how much it meant to you. So, I had it put into storage. I wanted to wait until the time was right to show you, so I brought it here, to our home.”

In the middle of the garden, against a giant oak tree, stood my tree house. The tree house my dad had built for me. The one Eric ordered to be thrown in the trash the day my mom and I moved out of our old house.

He kept it. He kept it for me.

With my heart exploding in my chest, I fling myself into his arms, and he catches me with ease.

“I love you. I love you so fucking much.” I press my lips to his, his responsive kiss is sweet and full of love.

His hands cup my cheeks, kissing me until I go dizzy with lust. Pulling back from him, I break the kiss. “Saint?”

“Yeah, babe?”

“Show me our bedroom again.”

Chapter Fifty-Three

Wemadeloveinour bed for most of the night, then again this morning after waking. I have so much love for this woman that I’m finding it harder to keep my hands off her. If I had my way, I’d move in here today so we can christen every room in our new house just as I promised we’d do when we move in here properly. I don’t know when that will be exactly, but I’m hoping it’s sooner rather than later.

“What are you going to do with the beach house?” Lexy asks, rightfully concerned about where it would leave Kelly if I had decided to sell it.

“It’s Kelly’s home now. Besides, I wanted us to have our own space.”

Relief floods her features, knowing her mom isn’t getting kicked out of her home. Fuck me. I’m not that heartless. Am I? Yes. Yes, I am.

“Yeah. That makes sense. And it’s like you said last night, you spend so much time in the city nowadays, and hopefully, I’ll be in university soon.”

Her peony perfume still lingers on her delicate skin when I kiss her from her shoulder to her collarbone, loving the feel of her naked body pressed against mine. My cock hardens, ready for another round.

“I just wish Jordin wasn’t so far from me. I hardly see her these days as it is. Hopefully, that’s all going to change as soon as you sort out this situation with her uncle.”

And just like that, my hard-on deflates. I suppose this is as good a time as any. Might as well rip off the band-aid now and get it over with.

“About that.” I pause, inhaling a deep breath, running my knuckles along her bare arm, making goose pimples rise on her skin. “How would you feel about them being our neighbors?”

“Aboutwhobeing our neighbors?”

“Caleb and Jordin.” I had to make the best of a bad situation, and this was the only thing I could think of.

She turns in my arms, pushing her bare breasts against my chest, making my cock wake up again. “Really?”

“I spoke with Caleb last night. We’re going to build another property on the grounds for him and Jordin to live in. That way, we’re all close by.”

“You serious? Babe, that’s amazing news! And I’m really glad you spoke and sorted out whatever it was that you two were fighting about yesterday.”

“We weren’t fighting. It was an argument over circumstance.”

“What circumstance?”

I hold her tighter, knowing that this could all vanish at any moment. Not that I would ever allow that to happen. However, I would like Lexy to live here of her own accord and not because I’ve had to force her, which I will if pushed.