Page 83 of The Devil's Saint

It brings vengeance.

A set of keys jingle and another loud mechanical buzz can be heard at the far end of the prison fence, opening another gate with access to the central prison.

My bastard of a father steps through, feet unshackled, shielding his face from the late afternoon sunshine that hits his eyes.

His face is clean-shaven, and his hair is slicked back. His stony expression is nothing but a ruse to appear confident. Still, he can’t hide the fear he harbors behind his eyes from me from being out in the open like this. My father has a lot of enemies in this prison. He’ll want to run back to his private cell as soon as possible.

“You better be coming here with a good explanation of why we’re meeting out here in the open and why the witness is still breathing,” my dad demands, his voice stern. “I should be out of this shit hole already! The only reason I put you in charge to finish the job quickly was because I thought you were ready. Clearly, you’ve been nothing but a disappointment.”

“The visitation room has too many eyes and ears. As for the witness, I’ve had my hands full with burying your father and taking care of your wife and stepdaughter, in case you haven’t noticed.”

“Save your fucking excuses,” he yells angrily, turning red-faced. “That witness should be in a six-foot hole by now.”

“We got word that the feds moved the witness upstate. I sent Owl and Chains up there yesterday. I’m expecting a call with an update within the next few hours.”

It’s all bullshit.


What they don’t know is that they’re chasing a ghost. I knew Owl was taking instructions from him and feeding him back information. I needed to appear as though finding the witness was my priority.

“Jim rang me this morning,” I lie, handing him the papers. “He said to give you these.”

“At least someone’s doing something fucking right.”

My jaw twitches, wanting to smirk, but I hold it back, acting like I haven’t got a clue what the papers contain, nodding to Caleb to hand him a pen.

He snaps it from Caleb’s stretched hand.

“What is this about?” I query.

“Nothing you need to know about. Make sure Jim gets these back today. I want you to deliver them personally.”

Placing the pen on the paper, he doesn’t even read over it before signing his name. He has no idea he’s signing his life away.

He returns the papers to Caleb, who places them back neatly into the large vanilla envelope and into his pocket.

My fingers tap on my chin, arching a brow. “You know there’s one thing Caleb and I can’t quite figure out.”

My dad sends me a curious look. “Yeah, and what’s that?”

“How you could murder someone who you claimed to have loved.” I turn to Caleb. “Takes a special kinda evil, wouldn’t you say, brother?”

My dad’s brows lower into a confused frown. “Who are you talking about?”

“To be fair, I wouldn’t have been too thrilled to find out my chosen was pregnant with another man’s kid,” Caleb says.

“True, true,” I answer comically. “But cutting her into tiny pieces for it,” I tut several times. “Seems a little over the top to me.”

He gives us a bewildered look. “What the fuck are you two going on about?”

“Getting rid of the daughter and the son…. A risky move on Maloti’s part. He must have had one big juicy carrot dangled in his face to get him to agree to such a heinous crime on his own blood,” Caleb says.

“And reassurances. I mean to leave yourself vulnerable like that,” I agree, turning to my dad.

“What did you offer him? A fifty-fifty split on the sex slavery business? That’s why you set Marcus up, right?” I step closer to him. “He found out about it. That you and Ian were shipping women and children out from his docks to get to the oil rig for the auctions. Or was it because he was getting too close to finding out the truth about Viola? Is that what it was?”

“Who’s been filling your head full of shit, boy?” he snarls. “Don’t believe everything you hear. I’d nothing to do with Viola’s death.”