Page 77 of The Devil's Saint

“When did you see that?”

“When you’re invisible, you see everything.”

His shoulders lift with a heavy sigh. “I can’t.”

My arms crossed, and eyebrows lowered. “Why not?”

“Because Saint would cut off my balls with a blunt knife if I was to get so much as a mark on you. No, no fucking way,” he says, holding up his hands, backing away from me.

I give him my best pleading eyes, cocking my head to the side.

“Please, Colton. I’m not under any illusion of what goes on here or the people that Saint and you guys are involved with. I need to know that if something ever happens again, if we’re attacked, that I can protect myself and my family. Next time, we might not be so lucky. And if anything happens to my mom because of me, I’ll never be able to forgive myself.”

“Don’t look at me with those eyes, Lexy.”

“What eyes?” I ask coyly, batting my lids. I know exactly what I’m doing. It’s the same puppy dog eyes I give Saint to get my way.

“Fuck sake,” he grumbles, and my face lights up with triumph.

“So you’ll help me?”

I can see the caution written all over his face, but he relents. “Just a few moves. That’s it.”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“No bruises though,” he warns, waving a finger in my face. “I mean it.”

“For you or for me?” I reply smartly.

“Sweetness, if you want to play rough and tumble with me, then go right ahead. I won’t object,” he jokes. “I’ll happily lie down and take it.”

“I swear you’re insufferable sometimes.”

He steps further into my space, closing the gap between us.

“As good as you look in those yoga pants, little temptress, I like my face the way it is. Saint wouldn’t think twice about rearranging it if he even caught me looking at you. Never mind putting my hands on you.”

“You don’t need to put your hands on me to show me some moves. I can take verbal instruction if it will make you feel better.”

“Fine,” he relents. “But if Saint finds out, my blame finger is pointing in your direction.”

“Thought you guys don’t snitch,” I tease.

“When it comes to this pretty face,” he motions to his face animatedly. “All bets are off. Now, come here.” He motions for me to come closer, then places his arms on my shoulders.

The first thing he taught me was to correct my stance. Apparently, it was so shit a toddler could knock me over. Yeah right! I can be sturdy when I wanna be. He’s just bigger than me is all.

“That’s it. Feet shoulder-width apart. Hands by your sides.”

I do what he tells me. “Alright, now what?”

“Take a natural step closer to me with your non-dominant leg, staggering your feet.”

We practice perfecting my stance until he’s satisfied I’ve got it down, then move on to balance.

“Now loosen your fists a little more.” I do what he says, loosening my fists.
